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  1. T

    Quality Voltage Regulator

    Try Brillman?
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    Farmall M or H Transmission Have Yellow Metal

    And, yes, there are bronze bushings for the reverse idler gear, but none others that I am aware of.
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    "M" quit

    That's also how they act when a coil goes bad. Would it start and run again after cooling for a half hour?
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    Thank you, Jim.ME! Really appreciate your reply. Will give Dennis Carpenter a try.
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    Is there a source for those retainer clips as used with a sealed beam bulb that are shown in Tim Daley's photo? Tried making my own out of piano wire with little success. Thanks, Tom
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    Corn head grease

    I've had cornhead grease in the steering box of a Ford 8N for the past 10 or 15 years. Works great in the prone to leak Ford steering gearboxes! Drilled and tapped the casting and installed a grease fitting. No mess, easy to top off any time.
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    Ohms rating of Ballast Resister

    Thank you, John T and Texasmark! It makes sense as you guys explain it! I will pursue this!
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    Ohms rating of Ballast Resister

    On a 1950 M with a 12 volt generator and 12 volt system, positive ground, still using the original IH 6 volt coil, what should be the recommended value for the ballast resister? I have searched far and wide and found the ohm ratings of advertised ones vary all over the map, from 0.6 to 3.0...
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    Got radiator tanks cleaned down to shiny brass

    Thank you, guys! I got into this because the radiator had failed joints at the bottom tank/side rail connection on both sides. Got them repaired very well by a radiator shop. While the radiator is out, I couldn't resist removing layers of gobbed-on paint coatings, including some areas of...
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    Got radiator tanks cleaned down to shiny brass

    Now what is the recommended treatment for preparing the brass (and solder) for painting? Tractor is '50 M. Thanks for any advice! Tom
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    M Radiator Removal

    Thank you, fastfarmall, that is just about exactly what it looked like to me! Appreciate your response! Tom
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    M Radiator Removal

    Does anyone have any advise on removing a 1950 M radiator? The joints at the bottom end of the side rails where they are soldered to the bottom tank have failed. Actually, it looks like the original soldering job was not that great. It appears that if the fan shroud is loosened and moved back...
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    NAPA oil filter no. For a Farmall M

    Just be aware that NAPA no longer supplies a new O-ring seal with their filters! Available at extra cost if I remember correctly.
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    Replaced '50 M brake bands

    Thanks for all of your replys! I will let you know how it turns out!
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    Replaced '50 M brake bands

    Thanks, rustred, appreciate the comments! At least the brakes work good but the squeal is kind of embarrassing, though. Today I did a parade and did my best to use the brakes as little as possible. It doesn't take much braking to have them make plenty of noise. By the way, I haven't been able...
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    Replaced '50 M brake bands

    Thanks, SinkHoleRoad! That's a new one on me! Is it something that would eventually take care of itself if left alone, or is it there until you scuff the surface as you say? Being a retired engineer, now you have my curiosity stirred up!
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    Replaced '50 M brake bands

    All went well cleaning the housings, installing new brake bands and carefully adjusting free play, etc. on Farmall M. Brakes work real good but now squall something terrible when applied. It's that sound that brakes make when it's down to metal to metal. But it's all new and quite a simple...
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    Is There A Good Way To Remove Oil Seals?

    Thank you, guys! I guess it's time to get to work.
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    Is There A Good Way To Remove Oil Seals?

    Is there a good way to remove old oil seals with the shaft still in place? Case in point is a '50 M differential shaft oil seal, the one behind the brake drum. It's a big, double leather seal that the manual says can be replaced by removing the brake drum. I have the brake drum off and...
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    Belt Pulley Shaft Seal - '50 M

    Belt pulley unit is all apart now. Replacing oil seal on the outer end of the pulley shaft. Question is, which way should the seal lip point? Manual says lip toward the pulley, and that's how the original leather seal was installed. Seems to me, however, that maybe the lip should point toward...

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