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  1. M

    4020 PTO loud buzzing

    Hard to tell exactly where it's coming from, the cab acts like a tuning fork. It's really loud though, way louder than the tractor, and seems to be coming from either the center of the transmission or maybe the clutch area, not the rear so much.
  2. M

    4020 PTO loud buzzing

    I replaced the rear pto seal recently, everything back there seamed OK to me.
  3. M

    4020 PTO loud buzzing

    There's definitely metal dust in the oil at bottom of the case, comes out silvery.
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    4020 PTO loud buzzing

    [video play=false:a51d6335d3][/video:a51d6335d3]
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    4020 PTO loud buzzing

    I have an early 4020 that has rarely been used the past decade that I've been going through. I hooked it to a bushhog and it was running OK, but with some noticeable PTO whine. However, when I throttle down, I have a very loud buzzing noise echoing through the cab. I'm not sure where to...
  6. M

    4020 steering valve leak?

    I have the 4020 in the shop, split to work on clutch at the moment. In doing further inspections, it seems the steering valve is leaking, possibly around where the upper and lower parts bolt together. There is oil all around that area and I don't think it can really be coming from...
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    4020 flywheel cracks

    I'm just curious, the Deere parts website shows $1600 for one, I do see aftermarket ones for sale for around $440, are they of quality?
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    4020 flywheel cracks

    I don't have any experience with this, but I would definitely be up for resurfacing. I just wasn't sure if that would be enough with this much cracking. I'm not even sure where to take it to have it resurfaced.
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    4020 flywheel cracks

    Replacing clutch and rear engine seal on a 4020 synchro. The flywheel has some pretty bad cracks. How much is too much?
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    2020 plastic oil line

    There is a plastic oil line running from a tee on top of the hydraulic oil reservoir, over top of the valve cover, and back down to a barb on the transmission top cover. I can't find it anywhere in the parts diagram. Mine seems to be leaking near where it attaches to the transmission cover. Any...
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    720 loader parking stands

    I've got a 720 loader with no parking stands. I know it isn't totally necessary but they would be pretty nice to have.. Does anyone has any floating around that they could take pictures and measurements of, or even would be willing to sell? I asked my JD dealer about the part numbers. They are...
  12. M

    3010 vs 3020 oil pan?

    Also the optional oil heater plug on the 3010 comes in from the passengers side, while the 3020 plug is on the front above the drain plug.
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    3010 vs 3020 oil pan?

    Question for the experts, more of a curiosity than anything. Would a 3010 oil pan work on a 3020? The bolt pattern looks the same. The only difference I can see is that the drain plug on the 3010 is in the center, vs off to the corner on the 3020. Why did they move it?
  14. M

    3020 Load Shaft Seals

    I just did my 3020 last winter. I attempted to use the Boling machine bushing seals, but I could not get then to fit in without going crooked, and digging into the bore of the transmission case. I tried putting them into the freezer and all that. After trying to tap them so much, I ended...
  15. M

    3020/4020 oil filter studs

    It is a used oil pan that I bought. It arrived this way. When I say spinning, it seems to be threading in when I turn the nut on the bad threads. It's not a bolt, it's a stud.
  16. M

    3020/4020 oil filter studs

    Has anyone replaced the studs that hold the oil filter cover on? I have one on a 3020 that is bent, has messed up threads, and is spinning. It is one of ones that goes all the way through the pan. Is it as simple as threading a new one in? How do you prevent it from spinning on through? Cannot...
  17. M

    4440 steering chattering with PTO engaged

    I have a 4440 quad range with 5500 hours, that I can feel a chattering feeling in the steering wheel, but only while the PTO is engaged. It only does it at mid RPMs also, around 14-19k, it seems to smooth out at full PTO speed. It's very noticeable, for example, when I back the throttle...
  18. M

    3020 Throttle adjustment after new IP

    Just replaced the injection pump on a 1966 3020 diesel with a reman pump bought online. I adjusted the high and low stops on the pump. Problem I'm having, when you drop the throttle to idle quickly it wants to shut the tractor off. It didn't do this with the old pump. Any other adjustments to...
  19. M

    4020 throttle dead zone

    Seems like the linkage is moving the lever on the pump throughout the dead zone, so it must be in the pump. Sounds like it's probably more trouble than it's worth if it can't be fixed by outside adjustment. I don't want to take it all back off and apart and risk damaging it. It seems to function...
  20. M

    4020 throttle dead zone

    I have installed a rebuilt injection pump on the 4020. Have it all back together and running. I have set the low and high speed stops. Now the only issue is the throttle. From the idle stop spot until about a third of the way down it does nothing. It actually may drop about 30 rpm. And then...

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