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  1. S

    53 Golden Jubilee

    I don’t see the piece in the corner that’s sicking out mine are both bent inward, I guess I’ll have to figure out how to bend them back out. thanks.
  2. S

    53 Golden Jubilee

    Hi: I’m trying to put a 53 jubilee back together after the body work was done from a tree falling on it, it was in boxs and the hood was apart and off the tractor. I trying to fit the grill to the hood side pieces and can’t figure it out. Any help would be much appreciated. thanks in advance
  3. S

    52 8N

    Ill check when I get home.
  4. S

    52 8N

    Not sure Ill check it when I get home.
  5. S

    52 8N

    I cant get power to the coil, have it at the key and regular. Stumped. Thanks in advance

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