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  1. J

    Confounding Spark-Miss Issue

    Hello, I have a Ford 9N that that has me perplexed. A few years back I converted it to 12 volts, added a Pertronix ignition, a remote 12 volt coil, new wires, plugs, cap, rotor and one wire 12 volt alternator. It ran great for a long time and after a while I garaged it to work on other...
  2. S

    Tired of mowing dirt

    The inner show on my mower could go one hole down but the outer sole I had to modify to get just a bit more height out of it
  3. O

    Pioneer couplings 3/8inch

    Does anyone know what size "O" ring used on 3/8 inch pioneer coupling? My loader needs one bad. thank you, joe
  4. kcm.MN

    2020.02.26 Tractor Pic

    Landini L25
  5. K

    IH 240

    I listed this international 240 in the ad section if anybody has an interest. If it don't sell will part out. More photos on request 240 link
  6. K

    4020 Diesel engine difference

    What is the difference between the early casting number block r40890 and the newer r40930 will my cylinder head bolt up to this new block or no and will the newer style block fit into tractor. Had a friend give me one I have an early model 4020 with pencil style injectors in head.
  7. jon f mn

    Got plowed today

    Was sitting at a stoplight and a city snow plow came by and clipped me. Said the side plow settled down on him. Was the first time out for his new truck. I was in the right lane and he went past me. I took this last pic as I pulled up behind him. Been a tough day so far and not done yet.
  8. S

    70 U302 spindle

    Does anyone have a left front spindle for a 70 U302? The 70 spindle shaft is 14.25 inches long. Previous models were slightly shorter. They keyed end is not splined. The weld broke at the bottom on mine, and looks like it was repaired once before. If I can?t find a good one I will try to have...
  9. D

    Ford in the shop

    In 1983 I scraped together $650 and bought an 48 8N. I did a quick repaint and put it right to work as my main acreage tractor. Mowing, plowing snow, pulling hay racks, plus a lot of stupid stuff that should have killed it or me or both. Little tractor has always worked good for me. Two summers...
  10. kcm.MN

    2019.10.06 Rust Pic

  11. S

    Ford 5000 PTO loss of power

    Hello everyone - I have a 1972 Ford 5000. Bush hogged with it yesterday and then it started acting up a bit. It has Independent PTO - and the PTO has very little power. When engaged, it will not spin the bush hog very fast and when I lower it to cut, it will just bog down and stop. Tractor...
  12. C

    Super 90 Hydraulic Problems

    The rear hydraulics on my Super 90 will not pick up a load. I can make the arms go up and down just fine without a load. I put a hay spear on there and it will only lift the hay bale about 3 inches off the ground. I am wondering what might be causing this to happen. Any ideas or thoughts will help
  13. M


    Did your ag guy mention any was to control that fungus?
  14. J


    Randy, look at your email...
  15. B

    6000 project, update #4 (the saga continues)

    So I get my 6000 to the point where I can hop in the seat, put it in gear, and drive it outside to finish painting the rear end. Problem is, when I let the clutch out, nothing happened. I can clearly hear the transmission shifting, and I know for a fact that the driveline coupler is engaged. I...
  16. F

    Identify IH tractor-Utility 240?

    Trying to help a friend identify what model of International he has. It?s a Utility style tractor. Found a number stamped in the left front corner I thought might be a serial number. (60289). His tag is missing. Casting number near where your foot sits on the same side is 369017R1. Then on the...
  17. M

    830 CK any interest

    I have 830CK that I have used for odd jobs. It needs some tlc but is very usable I think the com is ok , good pressure. starts hard below 40*., has oil leaks like most tractors that age. I have lost interest in the project hate to see it not used, really like the tractor but have the other users...
  18. F


    I don't know how familiar you are with that Hoffman family having auction. I am very interested in the Massey swather but only if it has hay crimper. Do you know if they had cattle at one time? Then it probably has crimper. Or did they have it only for small grain?
  19. J

    Bad day today #2 and rant I AM IN THE DOG HOUSE!!

    On top of back and siatic issue got the schedule for an antique engine show this summer. Daydreamed about going and so on. Told Mrs. Jocco she walks to calendar and says well we have this family function that weekend!!! After a few words I told her I guess I would be at the engine show and out I...
  20. D

    It's Alive!! 2010 LP to gas conversion

    It was a nice day today, so I finished up my task to get the 62 JD 2010 converted over from LP to gas. For anyone in the future tackling this job a couple of notes. 1. You will have to replace the manifold. The LP manifold has the same intake size but it's dropped down for the different...

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