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  1. D

    Unstyled A transmission gear noise

    All gears equally when under load. Talking anything from pulling a wagon so heavy it will stall out down do driving up an incline unloaded. The noise is always there unless coasting or dead flat ground.
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    Unstyled A transmission gear noise

    I am running 140wt specifically for that reason. I plan to pull it all down soon and replace any worn parts with ones out of a 37 parts transmission. Just wondered how loud they normally are.
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    Unstyled A transmission gear noise

    To all those with a 34-38 Deere A. How noisy is your transmission? I have a number of classic tractors and I am concerned about the amount of gear noise from my 36 A. While pulling the drive side of the gears is pretty significantly noisy. Of ccourse when coasting or with no load it goes nearly...
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    1936 Deere A popping out of L range

    Hooked the A up to my 5ft tumblebug and gave it a real workout. Still pops out of low range, just takes more of a load to do it. Any advice other than remove the shaft and weld up the detent further over?
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    1936 Deere A popping out of L range

    Slot wasn't concave just dirty. Made a tool on lathe and mill, whacked it with a hammer, gave it a twist and got it adjusted. Pulled my 1/2 ton truck across the driveway and back while it was in park and the tractor didn't even notice. Thanks so much to all that helped!!!!!
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    1936 Deere A popping out of L range

    Problem is the slot is concave. It is way shallower next to the threads than in the center. Can't figure out why Deere didn't just thread it and use the bolt in it to set the depth the other way.
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    1936 Deere A popping out of L range

    Ok, got the top cover off and was able to get the shifter to move about 1/4 inch past the detent to the right which better meshes the gear quite a bit. (The inner gear slips almost completely into the outer gear). I removed the adjuster bolt and the vertical lock bolt. How in the heck do you get...
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    1936 Deere A popping out of L range

    Awesome, thanks John.
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    1936 Deere A popping out of L range

    Just got a fully restored 1936 Deere A and did the fan conversion. Was really looking forward to putting her to work. Problem is when I pull a moderate load it is popping out of L range in 1st and 2nd gear. Is there an adjustment for this or will it require parts replacement. The detents and...
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    John Deere A Fanshaft Conversion

    Removing these parts requires destroying the felt keeper and felt. Plus having to buy the parts and get them shipped.
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    John Deere A Fanshaft Conversion

    That is my question. Will the bearing and washers on the radiator end of shaft work with the spacer?
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    John Deere A Fanshaft Conversion

    My 36 has show quality paint, the 37 is all original.
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    John Deere A Fanshaft Conversion

    Can you just remove the rubber fan, insert the required shaft spacer and reassemble with the friction fan parts, or do you have to remove all the rubber fan parts on the radiator end of the shaft and install new friction parts like washers, bearings and the new felt with retainer? I have a 36...
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    Unstyled front hood bolts

    Got them out. Pulled intake and exhaust pipes. Center punched the carriage bolts and drilled them out until I could break them off.
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    Unstyled front hood bolts

    The front carriage bolts are next to impossible to access. I think my only option is to weld something on the bolt head to keep it from spinning. Open to all options, but cutting seems like a sure fire way to destroy the hood or fan shroud.
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    Unstyled front hood bolts

    I need to remove the hoods on my 36B and 37A. Damn bolts are spinning and there is no way to hold the carriage bolt head. How the heck does one get these things out?
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    I have collected a few Deere's throughout the years including a 1936 B, 1937 A, 1939 H, and a 1945 B. All in various states of brokenness. I am not brand loyal, as I have several a Case SC's and a couple Farmalls. I have a great amount of mechanical aptitude and a machine shop with a lathe and...
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    1945 B with freeze damage

    Don't think I could get lucky enough to just be the pushrod tubes but I will check. Where does the block crack? Is it in a spot that can be seen with the head off or does it need to be completed torn down to see? Really hoping for a relatively simple fix, but doubt it will be. Thanks for...
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    1945 B with freeze damage

    Got a good deal on a fully restored 1945 B with electric start, lights and new rubber. Poor guy I got it from rebuilt it and painted every part before reassembly, then parked it in an insulated but unheated garage forgetting it still only had distilled water in it. He came out in the spring to...

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