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  1. J

    massey ferguson gc2300

    Hello, My GC2300 has recently started to blow the 40a slow blow fuse to the starter and main power. I have not been able to find a shorted wire visually or with a continuity meter. The fuse normally blows before the tractor can start. I have been able to start the tractor a few times without...
  2. J

    komatsu d21a-5 hydraulic problem

    thanks, i will check out the thread.
  3. J

    komatsu d21a-5 hydraulic problem

    Good question. When this problem started, i looked at the spools. Only the lift spool had a little fluid getting past the dust seal so i thought just maybe enough leakage in the spool was allowing the drift. the spool also has directional seals which could have worn. i did not find any fluid...
  4. J

    komatsu d21a-5 hydraulic problem

    thanks for the reply. After doing alot of research on dual acting cylinders i think that i understand that internal seal failure would not cause this type of failure. when the spool valve is working correctly it blocks flow to and from the cylinder in the center position so the pressure...
  5. J

    komatsu d21a-5 hydraulic problem

    hello, my machine has developed a problem suddenly where the blade will no longer stay in the air in the center hold position with the machine running, drops in a few seconds. the blade will hold the machine off the ground when pushed down so the problem is only in one direction. i suspect...

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