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  1. T

    Ford 2600 Hydraulic control

    Would be nice, but not necessary...just wondered if that was a factory thing....Very interesting idea you present...would be awesome to be able to what sounds like three things...the 3 pt, a loader and a remote. I will jot that down in my notes! Hydraulics are a bit of a mystery to me since I...
  2. T

    Ford 2600 Hydraulic control

    >>>Does your loader have its own control valve? Yes.. I called it the "aftermarket lever console is mounted up front." >>>That’s the optional auxiliary service valve, it diverts fluid from the lift to a remote cylinder, ether on a loader Yes, I am aware...its the instruction to put the...
  3. T

    Ford 2600 Hydraulic control

    I have what is shown on my last post....
  4. T

    Ford 2600 Hydraulic control

    Seems to fit nicely. I guess the 2600 had a remote option but mind doesnt have it??? Yes I have a aftermarket loader... aftermarket lever console is mounted up front. To get them to work I need to pull out the middle "auxilllary service valve" (a knob) out and put the draft control up - The...
  5. T

    Ford 2600 Hydraulic control

    As I continue to learn about my new to me 2600..... I ran across the hydraulic control "center" get up on a 2600 for that a factory option? Mine does not have remotes; and BTW am I getting this right: To allow the use if my front end loader and controls, I need to pull out the...
  6. T

    Ford parts catalog nomenclature and 3 pt link question

    Thanks for that. Yes would make sense to have one part if it can do both....I just hope non of these muffler parts interfere with the aftermarket loader I have on it.
  7. T

    Ford parts catalog nomenclature and 3 pt link question

    Well they could offering this as CAT 1 only for both tractors. I now have a reason to go to tractor heaven and check it out! another think that I find weird is the horizontal muffler pipe.. The one for the 2600 is the parts catalog it just has one bend. The one for the 4600...
  8. T

    Ford parts catalog nomenclature and 3 pt link question

    Hi Guys, I suspected the geometry would be different. But here is one thing I noticed...I saw an aftermarket ad for the the standard link that is listed for the 2600 and 4600... So that would tell me they are interchangeable....but I suppose the folks selling the part is stating some BS. I...
  9. T

    Ford parts catalog nomenclature and 3 pt link question

    Looking at the parts catalog it references parts for the 2600 as "2600","2600V" or "2600N".....what does the alpha characters mean? Also are the two bottom link arms on a 4600 compatible with the 2600??? I came across a junk one with them and I like the extensions on them...I figured they...
  10. T

    Ford 2600 lift control/draft control

    Thanks for the know you would think in this manual under the "controls and instruments" section there would be an illustration pointing out the draft vs position lever. jeez!
  11. T

    Ford 2600 lift control/draft control

    Thanks. But look at this pic on the manual. Its says to set the "lift control" (position control) limiter. You can see that the limiter would stop the inner lever--but that is the draft control as you stated.
  12. T

    Ford 2600 lift control/draft control

    So I read the 2600 manual. Doesnt state which lever is what. Other than showing a lift control stop that stops the INNER lever. I find info on the 3600 and it shows the lift control as the outer lever. So which lever is what?
  13. T

    Ford 2600 steering issue

    Base on what I read elsewhere I am thinking the control valve too....thanks!
  14. T

    Ford 2600 steering issue

    Going to get a 2600 diesel 8 speed. Has a allied loader. The tractor has a steering issue. VERY DIFFICULT turning right, difficult turning left. New hydraulic pump and cylinders..With front end off ground still difficult tp turn. Owner was told it just needs to bleed out, but has done whole...
  15. T

    What will this old AC 66 all crop bring?

    Hi Daniel, Thanks for the kind words. Interesting take on the Oliver 18... would be cool to see one. Mike, the AllCrop is going to be the most numerous out there. Getting/making parts are also going to be the easiest to do RELATIVELY SPEAKING I would agree that 90 and 72 are the nicest...
  16. T

    Ford 960 questions

    Good to know, thanks!
  17. T

    Ford 960 questions

    I can live with that!
  18. T

    Ford 960 questions

    the PTO and hydraulic are completely independent of each other. I was actually asking about the 3pt height adjustment and remotes being independent, not the PTO. But it looks like the independence is affirmative. Thanks!
  19. T

    Ford 960 questions

    Sounds good and thanks. I assume the 961 have the same hydraulic arrangement? A little extra HP wouldnt hurt!

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