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  1. K

    mf135 tachometer---part # and direction of rotation

    Thanks for the reply, my question of rotation didnt come up until i started looking for a new one. most venders were selling a counter clockwise tach for the 135, but then i found a couple that had a tach with a MF part number that was clockwise---so, i was curious. I understand that the...
  2. K

    mf135 tachometer---part # and direction of rotation

    Im looking to replace the tach on my 135 while Im working on it. Could anyone tell me the part number and direction of rotation of the tach. Ive been looking at parts from diff suppliers and they all claim the part fits the 135 yet the tach varies in style and rotation. The...
  3. K

    spark plugs for perkins gas

    Once again Jim, thank you for the numbers You are correct, the agco number I was given (as well as the autolite 295 number) are incorrect (for me) as they are short thread plugs. When my engine was rebuilt, as I mentioned the mf dealer installed the autolite 55, and an autolite 65. the...
  4. K

    spark plugs for perkins gas

    Additional information------just in case anyone is interested----I took the MF number that was given to me in this post, called a dealer that I believe I can trust, he crossed the MF part number (834236m1) to the current Agco part number (79001653), then told me that those numbers cross to an...
  5. K

    spark plugs for perkins gas

    Thanks Jim for the information. As for the head design---its a 74 tractor, in 2001 I had a massey dealer rebuild the engine (as needed), I do remember it had something done to the head ( replaced or resurfaced--something) but too long ago, I just dont remember. I do know that the plugs that...
  6. K

    spark plugs for perkins gas

    Good afternoon, Im searching for info on which is the correct (recommended) spark plug for the mf135 with the perkins gas engine. Im currently running what I believe is an autolite 55. it has 14mm threads and thread length is aprox. 3/4". when I went to buy new plugs, naturally the...

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