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  1. F

    Feed sack tags/labels

    I’m a small farmer and have recently been setting up a bagging operation, mainly for deer corn. I’m trying to find out the best way to make labels or tags that sew in the bag when closing it up. I thought some others on here might be doing something similar. Any help is appreciated. Thanks.
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    Ford New Holland 7740 SLE PTO problem

    Thanks for the reply. Thats about what I figured. Its got the 16x16 transmission in it. I wasnt sure if there may be something that would narrow it down a little bit right off. Thanks again
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    Ford New Holland 7740 SLE PTO problem

    Im looking at a Ford New Holland 7740 SLE that the PTO is not working on. Was told that the switch was replaced and worked for a little bit, but the next day it wouldnt come on. Sounds like electrical to me, but wanted to hear other opinions and experiences. I may be wrong, but from what I...
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    Ford New Holland 7740 SLE Pto Problems

    Im looking at a Ford New Holland 7740 SLE that the PTO is not working on. Was told that the switch was replaced and worked for a little bit, but the next day it wouldnt come on. Sounds like electrical to me, but wanted to hear other opinions and experiences. I may be wrong, but from what I...
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    Ford 5610 Hyd Pump

    I have a 5610 Ford that I use to cut hay. The Hydraulic lump makes a significant whining noise while cutting. It gets quieter when I use one of the hyd remotes. It doesn’t have the engine mounted pump and It isn’t as noticeable at an idle. I’ve only had the tractor a little over a year and...
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    Ford 7710 motor

    Ok thank you very much for the help. I had intentions of building the motor and figured that I was gonna run into this problem as much as I didn?t want to and wanted to have an idea of what to do. Thanks again
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    Ford 7710 motor

    Well the only reason I said the head gasket is because I can see coolant running out of it at the back of the head. I wasn?t sure if those engines could be sleeved or not which is kind of what I was looking for. They are sleeveless from the factory right?
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    Ford 7710 motor

    I have a Ford 7710 that I know is in need of a head gasket because it is getting water in the oil. I know the head gasket is part of the problem. My question is. What are my options if the block turns out to be porous. This is the 1st series with the q cab. Thanks for the help.
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    Ford 7700 vs. 7710

    Thank you. I did not realize there was that much difference in the hydraulic flow
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    Ford 7600 Question...

    I?m not an expert at all, nor claim to be. I?ll tell you what I understand to be true about these tractors. I may be wrong but this is what I understand. The 7600 is the utility version while the 7700 would be the row crop, which would have come with dual power as an option and almost all of...
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    Ford 7710 vs. 7700

    I posted this in the Ford tractor section, but I thought more people might see it and give some insight if I posted here. I?ve recently looked at a ford 7710 for sale. It is the earlier one with the Q top can If that?s what it?s called. It turned out to be misrepresented a good bit so I...
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    Ford 7700 vs. 7710

    I?ve recently looked at a ford 7710 for sale. It is the earlier one with the Q top can If that?s what it?s called. It turned out to be misrepresented a good bit so I passed. I did find a 7700 that looks very similar. Same cab and air. Both have dual power. Is there any major differences...
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    John Deere 2955

    Thank you again for all the help. I tried checking the Hyd filter bypass valve but is there a way to get it out or check it in there. I can not get it out. Does this mean it's stuck. Thanks again
  14. F

    John Deere 2955

    The filter and oil have both been recently changed. The hyd oil is full and i will check the filter bypass valve. it does not have a loader and the hydraulics seem to operate close to the same in any of the control lever positions or at least I can not tell any major differences. Thanks
  15. F

    John Deere 2955

    Ok thank you. How do I adjust the priority valve. The oil is good along with fresh filters and clean sump screen.
  16. F

    John Deere 2955

    I have a John Deere 2955. The 3pt has gotten slow and shaky at times. The steering works fine but almost locks up when you raise the 3pt. It is not always slow and works fine sometimes. Any information is appreciated. Thanks
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    Massey Ferguson 12 baler

    Thanks. That helps. I noticed the timing picture on the side but did not realize it would fix my problem.
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    Massey Ferguson 12 baler

    I have a massey Ferguson baler and the needles need to be timed. The like about 2 inches being retracted before the plunger hits the stops. Can I undo the chain for the needles and knotters and spin it and reconnect the chain so that the plunger just misses the stop before its retracted. Thanks
  19. F

    MF 12 baler

    I got the shear bolt problem fixed. I realize the plunger stop was tripped because the bolt had come out of it. But now the needles are out of time. The needles like about two inches being retracted before the plunger hits the stop. Can i undo the chain for the needles and knotters and spin...
  20. F

    MF 12 baler

    I have a massey Ferguson 12 baler and would like to know how to adjust the plunger stop on it as I think it may be hitting it. Any help or information is appreciated. Thanks

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