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  1. B

    MF-65 Front Hydraulic Pump Project

    Stan: With the PTO pump, I used a physically big, and big 140-micron mesh inlet filter. Napa 557114. In warm weather it was OK. In cold weather, the PTO pump would cavitate. For the front pump project, I will use a proper return filter and not have an inlet filter.
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    MF-65 Front Hydraulic Pump Project

    Thanks for your replies. Test post of an image: I get that this is YT's forum and their rules are the rules, but simply mentioning another site (not even a link) gets it redacted? Seems extreme. Keep in mind that it is the users of the forum are who generate the content, and the...
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    MF-65 Front Hydraulic Pump Project

    Jim: Thank you for your reply. Is there a better forum for documenting a project like this? It appears that YT wraps every link and directs it to an error page on their site. Plus, the YT forum software is way outdated - my password was sent by email in clear text (!) Originally, I...
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    MF-65 Front Hydraulic Pump Project

    [i:76be06f1e3]Does my first post show up? It is blank to me. Repost:[/i:76be06f1e3] I have a 1962 MF-65 with an old DU-AL loader with a PTO hydraulic pump. I will attempt to put a front Hydraulic pump on it, and to document the project here. My plan is to start with the "MF-65 style"...
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    MF-65 Front Hydraulic Pump Project

    I have a 1962 MF-65 with an old DU-AL loader with a PTO hydraulic pump. I will attempt to put a front hydraulic pump on it, and to document the project here. My plan is to start with the"MF-65 style" 3-hole plate that bolts onto the crank pully. I got a drill and a left-hand thread tap...

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