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  1. J

    600 series lift cover with 2000/3000 cylinder

    I posted on the Fordson forum. “Major man” suggested I post on the Ford forum. He says I have a cylinder assembly from a 2000 or 3000.
  2. J

    Lift cover linkage adjustment External spool spring

    All the procedures for adjusting the position a draft linkages are for a cylinder that has an internal spring on the control valve. The spring on mine is external. Procedure for the internal type requires that you slip a gauge between the spool and the cylinder face. The external spring won’t...
  3. J

    600 series lift cover with 2000/3000 cylinder

    Yep, you’re right I found photos of a Dexta cover. Now I’ll post on the Fordson side and find the procedure there. Thanks Shaun!
  4. J

    600 series lift cover with 2000/3000 cylinder

    That sounds reasonable. I wonder how your supposed to measure the gap between the spool and the body. The spring’s in the way. Last time I eyeballed it with a caliper.
  5. J

    600 series lift cover with 2000/3000 cylinder

    Hmm, sounds familiar. My dad fill the crankcase with water. It was a Ford 4000. The filler caps for the radiator and crankcase are identical. My hydraulic case oil is UTF as required though.
  6. J

    What’s this pin for?

    1957 641. 3/8” dowel pin on: LEVER; Assy., Hydraulic Lift Hand Control Should it be attached to something?
  7. J

    600 series lift cover with 2000/3000 cylinder

    I’m in the process of making lift cover adjustments on my 1957 641. Lift operates great and holds perfectly. It has limited function on the lever at quadrant. Only the upper two inches allow lift, the rest is all down. Years ago, I replaced the cam follower and attempted the position...
  8. J

    640 front axle support bushing

    I used a pc of 1/2" all thread, nuts, washer, flat bar and a 15/16" socket to "press in" steering sector shaft bushings yesterday. Worked like a charm! Will use same type set up larger axle bushing soon. Shade tree mechanicing!
  9. J

    640 front axle support bushing

    Thats a good idea. Thanks
  10. J

    640 front axle support bushing

    Ordered split bushing pt #2N3039 from Ebay received a solid type. The split bushing had a brass looking coating inside. The solid bushing had no coating. Is one better than the other or easier to install? Thanks
  11. J

    A better fuel shut off valve?

    When the buna fails, try Viton orings from McMaster Carr
  12. J

    Lift control travel

    Fugit, let the next owner worry bout it!!!
  13. J

    A better fuel shut off valve?

    I have a solution for you if your tank has a plugged 3/8" NPT hole in the right rear corner of the tank on the bottom. My replacement tank did.
  14. J

    Lift control travel

    Dean, if I felt the need to tear into the lift, what would I adjust to expand the range of the touch control lever? The control valve turnbuckle or the control arm rod?
  15. J

    Lift control travel

    641 lift lever travel is limited. Lift works ok but due to compact length of travel, changes are sensitive. Area between yellow lines illustrate full up and down. How can I increase lever travel through out more of the quadrant. Thanks
  16. J

    Ford 640 carb

    I believe its the slotted brass screw on the bottom left in your photo. Its on a 45 deg angle. See copy of manual.
  17. J

    Pwr steering pump leaks into crank case

    I would if it were mine....
  18. J

    Pwr steering pump leaks into crank case

    73 4000 P/S Oil needs topping off frequently, motor oil level is increasing. How about adding 10w40 motor oil to P/S when needed and drain off the crankase as neccessary? I found a reply by Sound Guy on another site suggesting it. Thanks
  19. J

    Dieselin the oil pan

    Must be the power steering pump. I'm told that the fluid needs topping off every time its used! Is seal replacement something an experienced shade tree mechanic could handle? Thank, Jim in Baton Rouge

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