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  1. M

    4020 Crankshaft Wear Sleeve - Front - Need Help Installing

    Thanks. I am using a ball joint press sleeve and some all thread. It lines up nicely with the new wear sleeve. It pressed on really easy until I got to the lip of the wear sleeve then it stopped and the crank turned. I can have someone hold the crank from turning while I try to press it on...
  2. M

    4020 Water Pump - Oil Cooler Line

    I got a new water pump for the 4020 and it looks like the tube that goes to the engine oil cooler just presses in. Should I just press it in with a vice and it friction fits or should I use some type of sealant on it? See pictures: Thanks
  3. M

    4020 Crankshaft Wear Sleeve - Front - Need Help Installing

    I pressed on the new wear sleeve on the crank today and there was a pretty definitive stop. It looks like it is not pressed on all the way compared to the old one I took off. I am not sure how I could press it on more unless the sleeve stretches as there is a lip on the inside that contacts...
  4. M

    4020 Crankshaft Pulley Removal

    Got the pulley bolt loosened today. I put the curved end of a tire iron against one of the hydraulic coupler screws and had my "assistant" put downward force on it while I loosened the bolt. It came out pretty easy. Not sure what the torque on it is. Will check my service manual. Hydraulic...
  5. M

    4020 Crankshaft Pulley Removal

    I need to replace the front seal on my 4020 diesel. Any tips on how to stop the crankshaft from turning so I can get the pulley bolt loosened? Also, for the hydraulic coupler screws that need to be removed for the puller, are they normal thread? I can fit a 1/4 drive in them but they aren't...
  6. M

    4020 Load Control Shaft Shimming Recommendations

    I forgot to mention that I replaced the front and rear drawbar bushings as well. I generally do that when I have replaced LC shaft components in the past since I have it drained and dropped. I ordered more shims and more seals. Will get it done again but have to wait until next year to test...
  7. M

    4020 fuel line from tank to pump

    Replace with a steel line ... you'll be happier. Give it multiple coats of paint. If you need a quick fix to get you by flexible is ok. I didn't think the tank was that bad to remove. Nothing up front was that bad. I took everything out and cleaned, tested, and painted...
  8. M

    4020 Load Control Shaft Shimming Recommendations

    Replaced 4020 LC shaft, seals, bushings (oversized) and used tractor all summer for mowing off drawbar - no 3 point arms - no leaks. All parts from JD. Did 1 week of work last week (20 hrs) with box blade and dirt scoop and now I have a leak. How tight should I have shimmed these...
  9. M

    3010 John Deere late 40s model.

    What kind of 3010 is this? I thought JD only built 3010 from 61-63?
  10. M

    320 skid steer hyd leak- ran then died

    That's good news! Thanks for updating.
  11. M

    320 skid steer hyd leak- ran then died

    What happened with the hydraulic leak and the hydr sight glass with no fluid and the locked up hydraulics? Was this all really a diesel leak that you imagined was hydraulic fluid?
  12. M

    1965 4020 PS three point

    Cam follower will have have some play along but not sure why you are focused on load control selector per se. Are you 100% sure the linkage is fully actuating from the console lever back to the valve operating lever? I am guilty of thinking I had the cable tightened in the console only to...
  13. M

    320 skid steer hyd leak- ran then died

    guessing main hydr pump - not alot if info to go on $6k mostly labor $3k for reman pump - rebuild yourself for $800 ... depending on what is wrong with it let us know what you find
  14. M

    1965 4020 PS three point

    Sounds like you are having load control selector linkage issues. There is another person right now having the same issues that has a post going with some nice pictures of what you and he are both dealing with. Check it out:
  15. M

    John Deere 4010

    On second look maybe those are just install marks on lock plate from hammer or chisel ... still check clearance it is close to ring. Also have tou checked/adjusted linkage under right cover?
  16. M

    John Deere 4010

    Can you take a picture straight down on the load control arm pivot shaft supports? Something looks off in your picture like the lock plate is bent up and has been making contact with something ... items # 12, 13, 14 in the parts diagram I attached. I see metal shavings in that housing by the...
  17. M

    2240 value

    Check out recent auction results for real world values ... $8250 for tractor w/loader and 1200 hours March 2023
  18. M

    1968 3020 JD Tractor Hydraulic Coupler Leak

    Breakaway couplers are very easy to clean and rebuild. Taking them off is the hard part. You should buy a couple JD rebuild kits and give it a go.
  19. M

    2510 - Broke something

    Very concerning that you do not see fluid coming out of that. I would check your trans/hydr fluid level ASAP and not drive it any more. That LC shaft is really far out. You might have a really good seal and its not leaking but take a look at the video in the old post of mine and you can see...
  20. M

    4020 Oil Pan Bolt Tightening Sequence

    Thanks for the suggestion. There is a significant difference in torque values btwn 1/2 and 3/8 in screws (85 ft/lb vs 35 ft/lb) that hold the pan to clutch housing vs pan to block. I didn't want to put that 85 ft/lb shear load on the 3/8 in cap screws after I tightened them but if you have...

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