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  1. R

    Ford 3000 not starting

    Ah that makes sense, thanks
  2. R

    Ford 3000 not starting

    I'll definitely be looking for one, thanks. I have an owners manual but it doesn't cover much regarding repairs
  3. R

    Ford 3000 not starting

    Fixed it!! I found a loose connection behind the ignition switch!
  4. R

    Ford 3000 not starting

    There's also a third wire taped together with the two that go to the neutral safety switch that's not connected to anything. I've attached a photo. The two with arrows were connected to the switch. The one with a ? wasn't connected to anything, and I can't see anything obvious it should be...
  5. R

    Ford 3000 not starting

    I'm back with the tractor today, on my own though so might be difficult to do anything that needs the starter switch on at the same time as using the multimeter! I've attempted to trace the wires from the neutral safety switch. It's kind of difficult as they're taped together with other wires...
  6. R

    Ford 3000 not starting

    Thank you for all your advice, I'll try these next time I'm where the tractor is. Sadly it's not stored near where I live so I can only work on it when I can get there! I appreciate the time you've taken to give me information & I'll reply again when I've tried these suggestions
  7. R

    Ford 3000 not starting

    Hi, I have a diesel Ford 3000, 1969 (I think). It's been sitting for a few weeks while I waited for a part to repair the hydraulic pump. We've now done the repair, but the tractor won't start. It doesn't turn over at all when turning the key, although the battery is good and the lights turn on...
  8. R

    Ford 3000 Diesel, leaking oil & coolant

    I've learnt something today! Never seen one of those before. I'm going to add one to my collection of tools now. Thank you for your help
  9. R

    Ford 3000 Diesel, leaking oil & coolant

    I took the panel off, but the proximity of the fuel tank above doesn't let me get anything in there, steering blocking it to the right and the other pipe attached to the pump blocking to the left. I think I need to try to get a short handled wrench or something angled to fit under the fuel tank...
  10. R

    Ford 3000 Diesel, leaking oil & coolant

    Thanks Sean & Tom for your help. You're right about the radiator drain, it was open not closed (I'm an idiot...) I see where the compression fitting is that needs tightening now (at least I'll try that first and if it doesn't work I'll take it off to replace the o ring). That's going to be...
  11. R

    Ford 3000 Diesel, leaking oil & coolant

    Hi everyone. I have a Ford 3000 diesel that has started leaking both coolant and oil when I've started it this morning. I think the two are unrelated, but I'm inexperienced with tractors so I'm not sure what's causing this or what to do to fix it. Any help would be appreciated. The coolant leak...

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