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    John Deere D carburetor

    I'll be getting in touch!
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    John Deere D carburetor

    Thank you! Glad I'm not the only one lol. I was told they put a new carb on and just couldn't get it adjusted right. It'd help if it was the right one lol. I'll send that fellow an email now.
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    John Deere D carburetor

    Hello, I have a couple questions about carburetors on John Deere D's. Me and a buddy purchased a 1940 styled D over the summer and have battled carburetor issues since we've had it. A guy at our local show mentioned it had the wrong carb on it, one from an earlier unstyled since it's all brass...
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    John Deere 60 belt pulley/clutch assembly reinstallation.

    I think I found it. Tore it all back down and the clutch bearing is lose and wiggles all around. The bearing mount did not hold. Now I am assuming the outer race is suppose to be tight in that housing? Tried sending a video but it yot angry at me lol. Again thanks for all of ur guys help.
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    John Deere 60 belt pulley/clutch assembly reinstallation.

    I have the clutch disc pulled out if it at this point and it still does it. It's like nails on a chalk board but it's not constant, it's every half second or so. About like a high pitch chatter. Even though the bushing slipped on with the assembly you think it might be too tight? I have to tear...
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    John Deere 60 belt pulley/clutch assembly reinstallation.

    Well I thought I had everything ironed out, but there is still a screeching comeing from the clutch assembly, I adjusted the clutch and everything where there is a crisp pop to engage the clutch. The belt pulley does not have a lot of up and down play like it had before. But it still screeches...
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    John Deere 60 belt pulley/clutch assembly reinstallation.

    Yeah that clutch break is beyond shot. In all reality I should put a hole new belt pulley assembly on. The interal bearing spun in the housing to the point I had to ping the housing and put bearing mount on the new bearing. Hoping it holds no more than what I'll use it for.
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    John Deere 60 belt pulley/clutch assembly reinstallation.

    Thanks for the help guys, it was a combination of both, needed honed and had a little bit of a bur around the end. Got it honed and fits just fine. Thanks- Jacob.
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    John Deere 60 belt pulley/clutch assembly reinstallation.

    Hello, I think I'm posting this the question the right way, only my second posting and first time using the new layout. Anyways, I removed the belt pulley/clutch assembly off of my John Deere 60 propane to replace the clutch bearing and the bushing. I replaced said bearing and bushing and am now...
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    Farmall 400 rebuild- building power

    Hello I'm new to the Farmall world as well as this forum world. I have recently acquired a farmall 400 gas. It has a broken piston skirt so I am looking to doing an inframe. I would also like to build some power for antique pulls in the process- my two cylinders just don't have the horses...
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    jd 6430 dash light fuse

    no dash lights on my 6430 standard cab tractor on tach and speedometer. I changed bulbs and still no lghts. think it is a fuse. does anyone know which fuse is for the dash lights? the fuse panel diagram isnt much help

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