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  1. J

    New member

    I have found this listing of all fords tractors by there chassis number. John
  2. J

    New member

    Not too early I have the log book it was made in 1951 and first registered on 28th May 1952, to a farmer in Wiltshire. The chassis number 1224725 makes it a old, it changed hands again in 21 November 1969 and the again in 9th September 1970 and then yesterday me. John
  3. J

    New member

    Hi all, I have just brought a FORDSON Super Dexta 3cylinder diesel TRACTOR, 1952 serial No 1224725 only 2 owners, it's running and driving with no big problems but I will repair a lot of the old parts. The poorest thing is the metal radiator cover it's been rated many times, job's are fuel and...

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