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    My 401B , 3.6 L four cylinder diesel

    Mowing raking drilling .
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    3020 oil

    Yes it will so fine on any diesel rated oil . I run plus fifty 2 I can run it one full year and not burn 2 quarts
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    Doesnt look like a big enough dope
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    Saturday Steamer

    I want a wilesco the steering is actually built like a rear steam engine.
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    Got all lawn and garden tools running-

    Ive got a brand new chainsaw that probably doesnt have 2 hours on it that wont run and probably never will run again so to corn squeezins
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    Just a thought

    Ive had to do that a few times I have a bunch of custom wrenches I did find out the harbor freights are not good to heat because they disintegrate about the time you think they will bend
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    Plowing frustration

    On the bright side its early still
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    My 401B , 3.6 L four cylinder diesel

    My 3020 will run 20 hours on light work or 1.4 gallon per hour
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    2022.04.15 "Extra" Pic

    There does look to be a strong breeze blowing bug youre still sitting on the boiler
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    2022.04.16 "Extra" Pic

    Thats a neat picture
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    Just a thought

    This is my dual wheel socket I welded together to put duals on and Otf . Wire feed welder and piece of 1 inch black pipe
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    Old wood bits

    Only because I dont have a draft team and harnesses . Thats one of my biggest dreams hopefully someday
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    Flat repair

    Nope a spring planted crop on dryland is a huge risk / last year I had a half a crop coming fertilized it then no rain and in about a week the crop disintegrated burned up completely. I have some pretty good fall planted crops that look pretty good right now . Ive got a small field Im for...
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    Flat repair

    Ive had atems glued on before . I want to try one of those you stick in the hole and turn it tight dont even need to dismount the tire
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    winter wonderland

    All winter long and it is beautiful. Snow is where water comes from .
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    Flat repair

    Twisted the valve stem off last spring just got around to getting it fixed 129$ new tube plus install . Now both tractors are dualed up and ready to go. Debating whether or not to drill some more dryland this spring since the storms that we have gotten
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    2022.04.15 "Extra" Pic

    I bet you didnt get chilled on that thing
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    Shaver Post Driver

    I have one I havent used yet . Im going to make a pilot post from steel to drive where its rocky to help posts go in the ground
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    Oldest son's vintage corn planting

    Very nice I used to raise sweet corn my best year I sold 1300 bakers dozen could have sold another 1300 but didnt have the marketing for it .

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