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    Looking for bearings can’t find em G950 (.20)

    they already had the crank turned yes
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    Looking for bearings can’t find em G950 (.20)

    thanks much I will call
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    Looking for bearings can’t find em G950 (.20)

    Hello If anyone knows where there are some bearings for a Minneapolis moline 950 diesel with a 451 engine. Need .20 oversized bearings Rod and main. Everything online is out of stock. Any leads would be appreciated Sad to see the old tractor sit broke Many thanks TMZ
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    IH Hydro 84 questions about hydrostatic drive

    Hello All you fine folks. new to me hydro 84 here in Ontario Canada just did my filters and fluids and am about to look into the FNI (foot and Inch ) valve to add a new spring and maybe replace poppet and seat. noticed something on the drive control valve linkage. someone used wire to tie it...
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    Case 530 ck Pressure relief Valve questions

    Copy that. Does the gauge get T’d in series with that rod end line at the control valve for pressure reading?
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    Case 530 ck Pressure relief Valve questions

    Ok. Thanks so much for the info. I turned the screw in 2 turns And then back out 2 turns so it is physically in the same place. not sure if that is good enough or If I need it tested anyways. Also it is the top side relief valve I messed with which I believe is the low pressure relief for boom...
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    Case 530 ck Pressure relief Valve questions

    Hi All! Im trying to get to the bottom of my boom cylinder drift on my 32 backhoe. I know that it could be the pressure relief valve o rings or not working properly. there is one boom cylinder relief valve at the top and one at the bottom of the valve assembly. low pressure and high pressure...
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    1959 Oliver 550 ignition question

    Thanks for the tips man. I was conneting a 12v light up style meter one side to pos of battery and one side to ground of coil, or vise versa, cant remember now :) i tested the coil for resistance and got 1.5 ohm on prim and 0 ohm on secondary so will get a new coil, points , condenser, plugs...
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    1959 Oliver 550 ignition question

    I Have a new to me '59 Oliver 550. tore it down a bit Ie: , flushed fuel tank and rad, dissasembled and cleaned carb, charged up an ol battery, new trans fluid and hydraulic fluid. Started it up and it ran great for about an hour. then while i was getting my meter to check charging system...

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