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  1. H

    Farmall md plunger stuck on injection pump

    Thanks for all the help. Rack was stuck. Moved it in and out by prying both ways with a screw driver and spraying with wd 40. Tractor runs on diesel now but maybe smokes a bit much. Smoke is gray or black so I think I have a dirty injector or 2. Will try Seafoam and new fuel as the fuel is a bit...
  2. H

    Farmall md plunger stuck on injection pump

    Can you please guide me as to where I’m supposed to be tapping at with the punch. This is a pic I got off the forum. I won’t be back with the tractor for a couple of weeks. From what I remember when I move the lever those bolts with the adjustment nuts are not moving back as far as the ones in...
  3. H

    Farmall md plunger stuck on injection pump

    Ok. Thanks. I had the oil fill off and sprayed some carb cleaner around in there but I did not know where I should tap at. I’ll try that. Thanks
  4. H

    Farmall md plunger stuck on injection pump

    I have a md that has good pressure at the gauge on top of the injection pump but no fuel comes out of the lines on top when I crack them open. I think I have a stuck plunger. After I take the cover off the top can I just remove the plunger assembly and clean it up. Thanks for any help.

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