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  1. G

    International 584 cam timing

    Thank you for the information
  2. G

    International 584 cam timing

    Ok I think I found the problem. It had a few tight valves like .005 and I put them all at .012 . It starts a weee bit better but noticed it is pushing air backwards thru the air cleaner. It puffs thru the dirt clean out. It hits on all 4 and runs very nice but apparently it has a wiped lobe or a...
  3. G

    International 584 cam timing

    Gotcha, and ya my 684 will surge and smoke if ya are in the start area on the lever. This 584 will idle decent in the start position.
  4. G

    International 584 cam timing

    My other 684 will start down to about 25 degrees just leaving it on the run position and starting it.
  5. G

    International 584 cam timing

    I move it to the start position and actually if it is good and warmed up I can crank it for a bit and it will take off and then move it to run. But cold all it will do is white smoke. I have adjusted the start run stop lever to the book which it was pretty much set perfect.
  6. G

    International 584 cam timing

    One other thing I checked tonight is the tappet clearance, suppose to be .010 and .012. Well it’s a tight .004 to .006 on 124&5 cold. But i don’t think that would cause this issue to this extent. It won’t start cold or hot.
  7. G

    International 584 cam timing

    The idler has 3 marks. One with 2 dots and the other 2 are single dots. The injection pump dots aren’t critical as long as I can get the dampener 14 degree and the pump window marks which I can. Well if you say the cam has to be good I will have pump flowed and see how it tests out. Thank ya
  8. G

    International 584 cam timing

    Needs ether. It doesn’t burn oil and no blowby.
  9. G

    International 584 cam timing

    I’ve attached some pics. Where the pump is timed at, no markings on idler anywhere. If I turn the engine about 1/4 turn then I see the mark on the idler gear
  10. G

    International 584 cam timing

    Hi all, ok I got a 584 and it will not start without a sniff of summer air warm or cold. When it is running it runs smooth and very well but it seems under powered by a lot compared to my 684. Thinking I’d check the injection pump timing, looks spot on at about 14 degrees. Weird thing is when...
  11. G

    Farmall MD injection pump

    Loaded pics of the inside of pump. Got nozzle out of block and hex on bottom out. How do I get the rest out though?? It was dirty under the delivery tube
  12. G

    Farmall MD injection pump

    Made a tool to remove the hex bushing deal on bottom of distribution block. Also removed the delivery deal on other side. But how does the rest come out and which direction??? Thanks
  13. G

    Farmall MD injection pump

    When I rotate the pump I can feel all the lifters move slightly and seem to rotate like they should. The distribution block I can move the pin on it as well with some pressure. As can see in pics they are a little pitted and not shiny like the others. That is the cyl that is not getting fuel...
  14. G

    Farmall MD injection pump

    It has a big letter A on the side
  15. G

    Farmall MD injection pump

    Thanks for the reply. Ya it’s like something inside that distributes the fuel across all 4 delivery valves is just not right. 4 is just weak and not much fuel while other 3 are good
  16. G

    Farmall MD injection pump

    Got a MD that has sat for 20 plus yrs. Got gas side working and cleaned diesel side up as far as filters and cleaned tank. I am a mechanic myself just not too familiar with injection pumps. So I first unhooked throttle and checked rack. Throttle moves free about 3 inches and has some spring...
  17. G

    2520 gas powershift

    If a guy can find a nice original 2520 gas powershift, dual remotes, full 3pt, a nice need nothing straight tractor, all panels on it etc. What can a guy be expecting to pay for one.
  18. G

    continental flat head 6cyl

    What models of tractors had the flathead 6s in em. I want to show horn in a 363
  19. G

    363 continental

    Were the 55s all 6cyl or were they both. So basically if I find anything with a continental 6cyl the bellhousing will mount up??

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