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  1. J

    Bleeding Hydraulics on a John Deere 2640

    I think its all fixed .. took two wires off the starter (i think it was the starter) and it works!! You guys are great thanks
  2. J

    Bleeding Hydraulics on a John Deere 2640

    I am envious of the knowledge that you guys have.. Thanks I'll take a look and see.
  3. J

    Bleeding Hydraulics on a John Deere 2640

    Wow . what a lot to try.. the irony is that I've got our 42 acre Ranchette up for sale and we're moving to a MUCH smaller place to enjoy retirement, so I'll be either selling the tractor or leaving it with the property. I am absolutely certain that when the key is in the "on" position the...
  4. J

    Bleeding Hydraulics on a John Deere 2640

    Thanks for your replies . I appreciate you taking the time
  5. J

    Bleeding Hydraulics on a John Deere 2640

    I have plenty of hydraulic fluid. The problem is resolved but completely by accident. I fiddled with it for an hour then sat on the tractor and decided to give up. I turned the key to the off position in preparation for removing it, and suddenly the PTO raised and all the hydraulics worked. So...
  6. J

    Bleeding Hydraulics on a John Deere 2640

    I am about as much use on mechanical issues as a trapdoor in a canoe. As a result I bought a JD 2640 and, of course, it's spent more time at the repair shop than running. My latest set of connecting issues is that I had to buy a new tire. I lifted the wheel using the bucket. Just before I took...

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