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  1. L

    JD 1520 dual clutch adjustment

    I rebuilt the clutch on my 1972 plates, spring, fingers, etc. Installed it and front and back ends reconnected without problem. After starting, did a bit of adjusting to get it to go into gear. Does so fine now. However, the dual clutch will not stop the PTO. The PTO will engage and...
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    1520 John Deere Injector Pump

    I answer to either Leroy or Dwain. Leroy is a name I adopted as sort of an alter ego back in high school while writing a journal for an English class and it stuck. I knew the post was rather old but I hoped to make a connection. If you have any ideas, I am open to most suggestions Thanks, Dwain.
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    1520 John Deere Injector Pump

    I answer to either Leroy or Dwain. Leroy is a name I adopted as sort of an alter ego back in high school while writing a journal for an English class and it stuck. I knew the post was rather old but I hoped to make a connection. If you have any ideas, I am open to most suggestions Thanks, Dwain.
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    1520 John Deere Injector Pump

    This message is a reply to an archived post by 420 Deere on September 27, 2020 at 16:55:49. The original subject was Re: 1520 John Deere Injector Pump. I need to replace my CBC injector pump. Do you still have one? Thanks, Dwain

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