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    ym3000 engine problem ?

    Thanks, Maverick. I put it on my list for my next town run.
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    ym3000 engine problem ?

    Thanks again, Winston. I poured in a bottle of fuel injector cleaner and am going to see if it happens again. If it does I'll dig in try to figure it out from there.
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    ym3000 engine problem ?

    Thanks, Winston. Could you expand on this a bit? Any way to check the injectors? Do they need cleaning? Replacing?
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    ym3000 engine problem ?

    This just happened a second time. Tractor suddenly developed a very loud knock. Really loud. Engine rpm's dropped but didn't die, engine lost power, started smoking really bad. Lasted about 30 seconds both time. Then knocking gradually went away and engine seemed fine after both...
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    Fuel leak from fuel injection pipe

    You guys have saved me again! I'll get the parts ordered and get them installed. Thanks again for the guidance!
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    Fuel leak from fuel injection pipe

    Thanks for that info, Maverick. I probably would have used regular o-rings and then had to redo things again.
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    Fuel leak from fuel injection pipe

    I've never replaced the o-ring in the 19 years I've owned the tractor, and who knows before that-so it's likely gone. When I'm ready to get diesel everywhere I'll take everything apart and renew things. In the meantime I'll keep a drip bucket under it. Thanks for the help!
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    Fuel leak from fuel injection pipe

    YM3000-I've got a fuel leak from an injection pipe that I can't seem to stop. What kind of seal do these pipes have? Some kind of compression fitting? I've tightened the hell out of all them but the leak persists. Thanks!
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    Leaky hydraulic valve piston

    Ordered. Thanks for your help, winston.
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    Leaky hydraulic valve piston

    Thanks, winston. Looks pretty simple if I can find the right seal. Wonder if Hoye would have it??
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    Leaky hydraulic valve piston

    Oh, I forgot to add, it's on a yanmar ym 3000. And I obviously don't know how to add a pic. It's at
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    Leaky hydraulic valve piston

    It's leaking around the shiny little piston under the piece of blue tape. Making a pretty bad mess. Is there an o-ring or some kind of seal inside of the valve that could be replaced? Can I safely just screw the thing out of the valve without damaging anything inside of it? I see that the...
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    deal on filters ?

    We use a lot of fuel filters,wix# 3166;mostly on fords, mf's, and longs. Is there a place to buy them in bulk? My local parts stores don't want to talk anything off list.....terrible!!! any source of good prices in bulk?
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    6620 combine info

    I am looking to buy a john deere 6620 flat land combine that is under the $10000 mark I've found a few that are promising but I have found a lot of 6620 turbo models and a few 6620 that don't say turbo on the side. Why is this? Are the ones just not turboed? Also, could anyone point me in a...

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