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  1. J

    Another current question

    Maybe start a new thread on “cooking”?
  2. J

    Maybe I will get kicked off for this but i have a question.

    Sure are an awful lot of people with no real troubles to be concerned with or worry about.
  3. J

    Another current question

    John, it is mostly folks jawing with each other, as you will notice John908 was last here at post 13 out of the total of 60+
  4. J

    Another current question

    Did you notice the lesser current on L3?
  5. J

    Another current question

    Hows about a diagram showing connections/assumptions for the 3.75 and 11kW set ups… just a sketch, snap with cell cam & post. Thx.
  6. J

    Another current question

    So, according to you, if I have a 100W incandescent bulb operating on 120v and I turn the voltage down to 70v, the current will go up so as to maintain 100W and keep same brightness. ????
  7. J

    Another current question

    Look up something on the WWB & post something that actually does not apply to question asked.
  8. J

    Another current question

    Not addressing you!
  9. J

    Another current question

    I said draws less current on 208 than on 240 right from the beginning. But first n16ty and then you make statements about the power and calculations such as 15 kW divided by 240v yields 62 amps. That is simply wrong on 3 phase system. Should be using P=1.732 x V ( line to line) x I.
  10. J

    Another current question

    Power in 3 phase system is not calculated by simply multiplying 208 or 240 times current. No “magic”, but you do need the correct formula.
  11. J

    Another current question

    Wrong! You might be about right IF he had single phase device, but not even in same ball park for his three phase device. Posters really should not be trying to give advice on things they know nothing about. S
  12. J

    Another current question

    Reading some of the replies since I last posted has me thinking, I need to re-post! "This is a forum, so you can get both or all, information, misinformation, opinion, BS, etc."
  13. J

    Another current question

    This is a forum, so you can get both or all, information, misinformation, opinion, BS, etc.
  14. J

    Another current question

  15. J

    Power Conditioner

    How and where did you “learn”?
  16. J

    Battery Charging Question

    My trickle charger/maintainer is hard wired to battery with 120 plug hanging by grill. Just drive in and plug in
  17. J

    Dizzy Confusion

    Looks good to me and fits Pertronix latest instructions! Good
  18. J


    That was my Indian princess name about 50 years ago
  19. J

    Dizzy Confusion

    To be really clear, draw schematic, take picture of same & post it.....better than words! Or just follow Pertronix installation instructions & save "words" & "mis-spoken".
  20. J

    Dizzy Confusion

    Measuring such low resistance values with Ohm meter is not real reliable, as making good contact and the leads themselves are in the range of what you are trying to measure. I use a variable DC supply to run a measureable value of current thru coil under test, record voltage across it and...

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