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    Got another calendar

    Did you catch him in time to save his ears?
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    1942 Case DI Pressure Plate Help!

    Yes, took several hours.
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    1942 Case DI Pressure Plate Help!

    The foot clutch pressure plate in my 1954 DC was completely broken in half when I got it. That was 40 years ago and there were no parts available anywhere. I took it apart, ground out the crack, clamped it to a 1" plate the same size, set it in a gas grill with the burner rusted out so it burned...
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    Case 1175 Engine Temperature Gauge Isn't Working

    There was a SN break on the 70 series, before and after were different senders and they do not interchange.
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    Case CC Wheel Spacers

    I have one set on an early CC with cultivator, and several sets laying around. No pictures handy now.
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    Case 1030 Hydraulic Pressure-Question for John Saeli or others

    1030 has a dry clutch so there is no way that stuff from the clutch could effect the hydraulic system. If you leave the hyd. pressure at 2400 PSI and run it to relief pressure you will eventually crack the front side of the remote valve. Did it on our 930 when we pushed the pressure up to lift a...
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    oil pressure relief valve

    Take a pressure reading at the block oil gallery as others have advised. My guess is you are OK. I installed a 930 oil pump on an 830 when the balancer broke off. Pressure relief was stuck on the 930 pump. When I started it the cannister oil filter blew off and flew about 50 feet. Stripped the...
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    Case magnetos

    My magneto guy told me he can install a Fairbanks coil in a Case mag for $50. Lynn Borgers Howard SD.
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    1950 case DC double hydraulic pump. HELP

    Is it only the 3 pt, or any remote cyl? If both you have check valve problems in the head of the control valve, If 3 pt only you have seals out of 3 pt cyl.
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    1950 case DC double hydraulic pump. HELP

    I have installed a 930 pump/valve on a DC, but I had to build my own drive coupler that is much thicker because the housing is deeper for the PTO clutch with more plates. Chain drive tractor Hydraulic pumps turn backwards to gear drive tractors.
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    One of my new rakes is operational

    Get your tandem hitch built! I built mine 30 years ago and would never rake without it. When you get used to it you can get the back rake into places you can not get with a tractor. With 2 rakes it keeps your mind busy enough that you will not get sleepy raking.
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    sediment bowl gasket

    Mc Master Carr has multiple sizes and are very good at measurements. I keep several sizes on hand at all times.
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    Case 970 Hydraulic issue

    If your loader is plumbed in before the remote valve you have eliminated the pump as the problem. Do you have a pressure relief plumbed into your loader valve with relief to sump???? If not you are playing with dynamite! Remote valve has priority over the 3 pt. Since your remotes do not work...
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    Oil pressure indicator on Case Model C

    It is simply a spring loaded piston that pushes farther out with more pressure. It screws right out of the block. I have seen them gutted and fittings put in to use a oil pressure gauge.
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    1959 case 420b distributor installation

    #1 cylinder at TDC on COMPRESSION STROKE, point the rotor at #1 spark plug wire. Start engine and advance timing by ear.
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    Case 830 cab

    My Egging Cab is available, Door is in the front right next to the fuel tank. Would take $50 for it. May have some cracked glass. Can take another look if interested.
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    A few CASE SC questions I hope you guys can answer.

    LPTO + Eagle Hitch 1952, Different block with larger sleeves 1953 at SN 8027115.
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    DC hand holes.

    Another use is to cut a slot in them and weld a dipstick in.
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    Another "fuel conversion"...

    I have heard they did make a few of the 2-71 conversions into DC's. Has anyone ever seen one?
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    as a kid

    My Grandpa farmed 320 acres with a VAC and his horses.

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