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  1. N

    What's Your Favorite Uncommon Tool?

    The tester was $70 and well worth it but your dad's method is interesting and some next level MacGyver stuff right there.
  2. N

    What's Your Favorite Uncommon Tool?

    It was mostly an open ended question but by uncommon tool I mostly meant a tool that your average "Do It Yourselfer" that dabbles in a bit of everything wouldn't know what it is or would be rare for them to own but at times could be useful to them. More of a specialty type tool.
  3. N

    What's Your Favorite Uncommon Tool?

    Has to be leak-down tester for me. While the news is usually not good, it really dials you in on where engine issues are. Much better than compression tester. Used in combination seals the deal. Determined my car has 60% leak down into the crankcase on cylinder 1. Combined with a 40%...
  4. N

    Fair Price for this disc?

    All sounds good. I told him Saturday I'd be buying it from him but he's been busy helping his son on the farm. I should be getting it at some point this week.
  5. N

    Fair Price for this disc?

    Ill be going to get it today. Was hoping to only pay $600 max for one but this price doesnt surprise me
  6. N

    Fair Price for this disc?

    It's been a few years so I can't remember specifics but I generally keep it very basic. A couple different kinds of clovers I get from the ag store. I did try beets but the deer seemed to ignore those. I just cleared two more acres of jack pine at my house this spring primarily to open things...
  7. N

    Fair Price for this disc?

    If nobody sees anything negative about this disc I'll likely buy it. I'm not interested in spending hours of my time and $50 in gas driving around looking at discs to buy from people I don't trust to save $100 on the implement. I trust my neighbor not to intentionally fool me. He said the...
  8. N

    Fair Price for this disc?

    Neighbor 1/4 mile from my house has this disc for sale. He bought it at an auction. I'm not going to be taking the time to get a deal at an auction so what is a fair price for this? It's also a good deal that I can drive my tractor to it to pick it up. He says it's in good useable condition...
  9. N

    New Tractor - Mahindra 1635 SST vs. Kioti CK3510SE

    Thanks for all the input. I'm going to test out the Mahindra tomorrow at the dealer and if it fits good that's the one I'm going with. Caterpillar Guy ..... I can certainly understand your viewpoint but I'm going to go new. Going with the Mahindra avoids all the DEF so at least that's a...
  10. N

    New Tractor - Mahindra 1635 SST vs. Kioti CK3510SE

    yes, I did do some searching. Also wanted to get input from members of the forum I'm part that's part of my research.
  11. N

    New Tractor - Mahindra 1635 SST vs. Kioti CK3510SE

    I suppose the question could also relate to comparing brands in general.....Mahindra vs Kioti. Is one built better than the other? Does one offer more than the other in comparable models?
  12. N

    New Tractor - Mahindra 1635 SST vs. Kioti CK3510SE

    I'm not sure if I'm going to be able to get the info I want from this thread as far as being able to compare or not but these are the 2 tractors I'm currently deciding between. I'm not considering any other makes. I have these 2 dealers close to home and they are good dealers. Without...
  13. N

    Select O Speed Parts

    I called a local used tractor parts today and to my surprise they had these in stock.
  14. N

    Select O Speed Parts

    I have a friend with a Ford 5000 and needs some Select O Speed parts shown in the picture below. I don't know much about it. Any help on where I can lead him to get these parts?
  15. N

    Adding trans fluid to diesel fuel

    Glad to hear I'm all good. It is manual transmission fluid. Amsoil 5w-30. It's not motor oil.
  16. N

    Adding trans fluid to diesel fuel

    I have a 1966 MF135 Perkins diesel. My buddy told me to add atf to the fuel for lubrication. I've been doing this for some time but my last fill up I mistakenly added manual trans fluid rather than atf. Am I ok to finish out this tank of fuel with 8 oz of the 5w-30 manual trans fluid or is...
  17. N

    RPRU pics 7.05.19

    nice! Did they have anything there related to my 1953 R112 pickup?
  18. N

    My take on RPRU in Bloomsburg

    did They have anything there related to my 1953 IH R112?
  19. N

    Implement Storage

    I know the best thing is to store implements under roof but I don't current have a roof for them and I don't feel like spending a couple thousand to store a couple thousand worth of implements. Here's what I have: 6' rotary cutter, 12' drop spreader, 6' disc, 2 row planter, 5' box blade...
  20. N

    How to add rear remotes on MF135?

    Oh. Don't know much about them. I assume the pto driven would be more ideal.

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