Search results

  1. F

    International 275 windrower c-123 carburetor

    The rest of the story: I took the carburetor to a specialist that has a flow bench. There were a lot of things wrong with it including parts installed backwards. It would have never worked properly on this engine. I'm pretty sure that in 2019 someone tried to get the engine running and...
  2. F

    International 275 windrower c-123 carburetor

    I mistyped, I meant valve clearance. Vince
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    International 275 windrower c-123 carburetor

    I found a local company (well, within 50 miles) that can bench check the carburetor. Once this is done I can eliminate the carburetor as part of my problem. While I wait for the carburetor I can check the valve timing. As in interesting side note, I found that one of the tractors left behind...
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    International 275 windrower c-123 carburetor

    I think you are correct, it is a C-153. The engine is above the fuel tank and there is an electric fuel pump to get the fuel to the carb. The only stamped number is 30808 which is stamped above the casting that says Firing order. I'll have to remove the intake and turn on the fuel pump to see...
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    International 275 windrower c-123 carburetor

    Yes, it is a C-123. My C-123 manual says they were installed in 210, 275, 375 swathers and came with a Zenith 267X9 carburetor. I checked the float and it does not have any holes in it. At idle it floods. When I take the air intake hose off gas runs out. When I run it at full throttle it...
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    International 275 windrower c-123 carburetor

    That won't work. My mounting studs are 2-11/16", that carb is 2-3/8" Vince
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    Do you still rebuild carburetors? Vincent Endter

    Do you still rebuild carburetors? Vincent Endter
  8. F

    International 275 windrower c-123 carburetor

    I am trying to find a replacement carburetor for an international C-123 engine. It currently has a Marvel-Schebler carb on it. There are no marking on the carb. I have rebuilt the carb with two different kits and still have problems with it flooding at idle and not making full power for more...
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    IH windrower 275

    Thanks for the heads up. Using a couple different search engines I can't find any finger that look like the ones I have. Vince
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    IH windrower 275

    I need about 30 of the reel fingers. Vince
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    IH windrower 275

    I recently pulled a IH windrower out of a field and took it home. From pictures I have seen it looks a lot like a 275. But looking at parts diagrams, the gas powered 275 are 6 cylinder, this one is 4 cylinder. There are no markings on it except for a 2x3 inch plate stamped 1050 and the IH...
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    John Deere A stalling

    Good ideas. Vince
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    John Deere A stalling

    Will do. Vince
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    John Deere A stalling

    How would I test it? Vince
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    John Deere A stalling

    It has a magneto. Vince
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    John Deere A stalling

    I was mowing weeds with a flail mower the other day and the tractor sputtered and quit. I was able to get it started again and drive around without the PTO engaged. When I engaged the PTO it didn't sound like it was loading down the engine but after 30 seconds it quit again. I had bee mowing...
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    Model A Powr-trol

    I don't understand what screen wire is. Vince
  18. F

    Model A Powr-trol

    Thanks, I'll look into it. Vince
  19. F

    Model A Powr-trol

    I have a JD A with Powr-trol. My issue is it will not stay where I set it, it slowly drops back to the lowest position. I have replaced the leather cup on the piston and I am pretty sure I am getting a good seal. On my Ford 8N the 3 point hitch will stay where the lever is set. On the JD I...
  20. F

    John Deere A leather piston cup

    I got both the leather cup and the parker synthetic cup from Baum. I could not get the leather cup to fit, even after soaking it in oil and using a ring compressor. The Baum cup came without holes drilled in it. After drilling the holes it was easy to install the piston. The Powr-Trol now...

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