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  1. O

    Oliver 550 Tach Drive

    Mine only has two teeth broken but in the same manner but removed I can not sling it by hand. I did find one company that has one for $200. If not being able to spin it by hand is a problem than I guess I need to buy a new one. thanks Ollie
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    Oliver 550 Tach Drive

    I removed the drive to check the gear. I could not turn it with my hand out of the tractor. Two of the teeth were damaged. About 1/8 to 1/4 inch of the two teeth was damaged at the far end. I was hoping that the gear could be replace but it does not seem to be removable. I saw that the...
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    Oliver 550 Tach Drive

    decided it was time to fix the tach on my 1964 Oliver 550 Special. I can make the tach move by attaching a drill to the tach cable. So I took the tach drive off. I can’t turn the gear by hand that connects to the engine. Should I be able too? Also the gear seem to have a chip out of two...
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    Oliver 550 Special

    I will try to get a build card. thanks ollie
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    Oliver 550 Special

    I have a 1964 Oliver 550 Special and an 1965 Oliver 550. Both have been restored and used on a small section of the farm I grew up on. I take the tractors to show at the Deerfield fair in NH almost every year. I am always getting questions about what makes the 1964 Special. The only...
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    Oliver 550 electrical question

    Rebuilt the generator and it running again and the amp light is off. Thanks
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    Oliver 550 electrical question

    I am having the generator rebuilt on the 65-550. It tested bad. May need a new regulator also but will not know until I get the generator back. J. On the 64-550 Special I a still confused. I read that all 550 were 12 volt positive ground as you stated. So I was surprised when I was...
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    Oliver 550 electrical question

    I did a polarization and it did not change anything. The voltage across the A and F terminals reads 2.7 volts. I believe my next step is getting the generator rebuilt. Yes my 550 special is confusing. I have never had an issue with it starting but I seldom use that tractor. I wanted to...
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    Oliver 550 electrical question

    The other day mowing with my 550 I broke off the field wire to the generator. I did not notice it for many hours but the tractor ran fine. When the sun was not as bright I noticed the Amp light on, thats what got me checking the wires. Replaced the wire to the Field terminal but the Amp...
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    550 temp sending unit

    I have a similar problem with a new sender on my 550. I read somewhere on this forum a few years ago that the sensors from China don’t work and read hot. I need to try a new sender from a different supplier.
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    The Sending Unit is Bad

    I also have two 550 with temperature gages that read hot. I replaced one of the sensors with a part from Steiner but it still read hot. I read somewhere on this forum that parts from China don’t work and read hot. Any idea where sensors that work correctly can be purchased. I also have a...
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    What model to run a rototiller?

    I run a 5 ft tiller on my John Deere 790 which is 30 hp and it would also run ok on either of my Oliver?s 550 which are 40 hp.
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    It?s also easier if you have the correct steering wheel. I have two 550. One is the Special with no power steering. It has a wider steering wheel so it?s a bit easier to steer but hard to climb on too. The other has power steering and a smaller diameter steering wheel and is very easy to...
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    Oliver 550 Crankcase breather smoke

    I ended up doing a compression test this weekend. Had 100 psi in 1&2 and 105 psi in 3&4. So looks ok. Going to hook th mower back up to the track or today and see what happens. Thanks
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    Oliver 550 Crankcase breather smoke

    Thanks for your comments. I had never noticed and smoke coming from the breather before. While mowing yesterday I noticed what I first though was steam from over heating but when I looked closer saw it was the breather tube. I have used this tractor for the last 5 years to mow fields with a...
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    Oliver 550 Crankcase breather smoke

    I had my Oliver 550 painted and the intake manifold worked on about 2 months and 4-5 operating hours ago. Today while using the tractor to mow fields the crankcase breather started blowing a lot of smoke (white to gray color) so I parked the tractor and checked the oil level (ok) and coolant...
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    Oliver 550 Engine oil

    Thanks for all the information. It gives me many things to check. Ollie
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    Oliver 550 Engine oil

    When I got the tractor it used no oil and the oil looked clean so i did not change the oil. Used it all summer mowing and it never used a drop of oil. Changed the oil in the fall and put in good 10-30w mobile oil (detergent). Parked the tractor for the winter. Mowed with it last summer and...
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    Oliver 550 and Ford 501 mower

    Yes I have Draft Control. So if I understand it correctly I need to put the top link in the lower hole - less sensitive. Also I need to tighten the lock screw (screw under the back of the seat in front of the spring?). Does that prevent any movement of the top link from causing the turn...

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