Search results

  1. F

    Best Sparkplugs for 9, 2 & 8N

    Thanks, old.
  2. F

    Best Sparkplugs for 9, 2 & 8N

    Never mind, I did a google search on the subject.
  3. F

    Best Sparkplugs for 9, 2 & 8N

    Educate me on cold and hot burning sparkplugs. What applications call for hotter or colder plugs? Does either matter when it comes to starting a cold tractor engine?
  4. F

    Best Sparkplugs for 9, 2 & 8N

    Which sparkplug do you run in your front mount distributor era Ford N series tractor? I bought a tune up kit awhile back and it came with Autolite 437 plugs. Some guys say to run Autolite 216 because they are for flathead engines and to gap them at .020. Also heard Champion H10c were good also...
  5. F

    Gasoline additives

    Does anyone have any experience with using Seafoam or any other gasoline additive for cleaning the fuel and combustion systems on these old tractors? Is this a good idea or not?
  6. F

    Still dealing with no start issue. 2N

    I bumped the starter and after several attempts, the volt meter read 1.63 volts and I assume the points closed. I didn't think it would be that low. I also checked the voltage where the wire to the coil comes off the ballast resistor and it read 1.63 volts also. So here is the breakdown 12.47...
  7. F

    Still dealing with no start issue. 2N

    Ok. It will be tomorrow before I will be able to test it. Do I keep bumping the starter and keep checking to see if I get a different voltage reading?
  8. F

    Still dealing with no start issue. 2N

    Ok, I checked the voltage with the tractor not running. Black lead on neg battery post and the red lead on top post of coil and I got a reading of 12.47 volts.
  9. F

    Still dealing with no start issue. 2N

    I thank everyone again for helping me through the issue I'm having with my tractor. I'm not sure I'm out of the woods yet so to speak. The tractor started again yesterday but it seems to take a little more cranking to start than it did before this issue popped up. I use a digital meter. My...
  10. F

    Still dealing with no start issue. 2N

    Well, I got her running again. For how long I don't know. I'm starting to lean towards it being the coil. I haven't been able to troubleshoot it for a few days. So today I started doing voltage checks and everything seemed to be checking out, but no start. I ran a jumper wire from the positive...
  11. F

    Still dealing with no start issue. 2N

    Jim L WA, Oh I have not forgotten about the ignition issues. Lol. Pretty soon it maybe Col (crying out loud). I was just following one of Eman85's recommended tests. I just wanted to make sure I didn't have two problems going on at once. I still believe the culprit is an electrical issue.
  12. F

    Still dealing with no start issue. 2N

    I had a little time this afternoon so I was able to remove the plug from the carburetor bowl and do the fuel flow test. It took 2 minutes and 38 seconds to fill a pint. Is that acceptable?
  13. F

    Still dealing with no start issue. 2N

    Ok, I found the source of the back firing. Plug wires 3 and 4 were wrong on the distributor. I still can't figure how it ran for a while like that before it died and wouldn't start and then backfire. I got the tractor to start. It took a few seconds of cranking and a couple sputters before she...
  14. F

    Still dealing with no start issue. 2N

    I will keep everyone posted on my progress with issue. The boss man has us working overtime so it will be a few days until I get back to the project. At least the OT pay will help with the money I've been throwing at this thing.
  15. F

    Still dealing with no start issue. 2N

    Yes, running 12 volts. Have the ( what looks to be) original resistor with the terminal stud and I replaced the other resistor with new one from NAPA. One other thing I noticed is that a small lamp mounted on the dash that I believe is supposed to excite the alternator no longer illuminates.
  16. F

    Still dealing with no start issue. 2N

    I will look into your recommendations and see if I can find anything.
  17. F

    Still dealing with no start issue. 2N

    Can't figure out what's going on with my tractor. It is a 2N with an 8N engine. Front mount distributor. The trouble first started with the engine dying after being in use. Tractor would then start after sitting for awhile. Determined no spark. I bought a tune up kit that included points...
  18. F

    Gasket sealer on a water pump?

    Yeah, I plan on getting coolant in it this weekend. I certainly don't need a cracked block.
  19. F

    Snow Plowing with a 2N

    Plowing snow works the best for my 2N if I plow in reverse and I do not rotate the blade. I push snow with the back of the back blade. My driveway is gravel and I scrape up way less stone this way.

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