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  1. J

    Hog question, butchering a boar

    Oliverguy, No!, Not in Texas, The Nasty outfits are inedible anyway at that size and age! Thunder the Buzzards won't hardly eat one at that Size! LOL! We gut shoot anything that big and let the Buzzards do what they will with them! An eating pig, males up to 60/70 lbs, Little females up to 120...
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    Brought these home today (trailers)

    RBnSC, That ol White Dog, is an Eye catcher!, I have a soft spot for those old Dogs of that ere! That ol Red Dog sure looks like it is been Rode Hard and put up Wet too! It is amazing just how tough those ol sows really were. My cousin (he was driving) & I, Totaled out an old Mack Western COE...
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    Words to live by- Favorite sayings..

    Cory I heard it this way....... Close only counts in, Horseshoes, Washers, Water Balloons, Hand Grenades, & Atomic Bombs Sometimes in, Shot Guns & Napalm. Later, John A.
  4. J

    Words to live by- Favorite sayings..

    Cory I heard it this way....... Close only counts in, Horseshoes, Washers, Water Balloons, Hand Grenades, & Atomic Bombs Sometimes in, Shot Guns & Napalm.
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    Words to live by- Favorite sayings..

    James, Thanks for getting it, But there has not been a Truer Statement ever maid!!!!! I was in a hurry when i posted it and I kept thinking it wasn't right! Later, John A.
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    Words to live by- Favorite sayings..

    Never Get into an argument with a Fool! For they will beat you to death with experience! * * if my memory serves Mark Twain said that! Later, John A.
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    M.M. Model U.

    rusted, Thanks for the Story! That's is Exactly what I Like to hear this tractor is where is should be, under the care of someone who will care for it as it should have been, it just took longer than it shoulda! Still begs the question, Why will a Parent or Uncle in most cases!, makes a...
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    OT- Fox News on Dish

    Mike, the answer to your question is....In the 90,000 customer range is what I heard a few days ago! Wait till Fox pulls this BS on Direct and the others when it comes up Renegotiation of Contract time! The ones that left will cycle back over! Still a Dish customer and will stay! Later, John A.
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    Out playing in the Snow

    Allan, Looks like to me you were having too much too much Fun and getting things Done when that crappy ol bolt broke! Dad always said... "That is what you get when you crowd the monkey too much!" Anyway Have fun, Be safe! Later, John A.
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    Rare super high crop M 6ft. tall

    Guy, Yes that is exactly what I was thinking of. If you had a closer pics of the rear chain drive, and sprockets set up I will bet it is very similar to that M At one time every other farm on the South Plains had a Hi-Trac! Hate not seeing them much any more! Later, John A.
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    Rare super high crop M 6ft. tall

    Bill, Guys, Definitely an Aftermarket Conversion for a particular purpose! A company in Lubbock, Tx. did similar conversions on small 35 hp Fords & IHs for Sprayers and cutting tassels off corn, had a Sycle (ms) mower attachment for cutting rogue heads in Seed Milo fields it is very unique, Not...
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    How many 1026 gold demo's where made?

    D17puller, Twostepn2001 and I have been quizing any and all guys we can find! But we are more concerned about LP tractors, Most especially 656/756LP row-crops. There is little to no written records! There is a fellow YTer here that worked on the line, After, the Gold Demos, There were 4 of so...
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    F450 truck 1990 model

    Kne, My 01 F-350 Dsl 4x4 Hubs in Lock Position! 2Hi to 4Hi shuttle shift between Either as long as you are not Spinning the the Wheels! * 2Hi to 4Lo, Stop, Feather the Throttle, Tranny in N! shift into 4Lo, shift tranny into D, Accelorate & drive on! * But, * 4Lo to 2 Hi...In theory you should...
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    tradeing cars

    Ray, When you buy a new car are truck anywhere you can set up a new Dealer of Record, They have To Service it! Or do you not know This??? the Dealer is Paid by the manufacture.. they Have to service it!.. Ie Chevy Ford Dodge. Even you major Tractor Makes allow this! Darn strange, I never had a...
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    tradeing cars

    Icuby, There are better dealership than the run of the mill kind, 1. Never Deal with Low level salespeople! Ever! Deal at a smaller Dealership where that person has the authority to make the deal, None of this BS of the sales person taking your signed offer down the hall to a manager, only...
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    What Do You Add To Your Coffee??

    Guys, When I was a child 2-3-4 my Dad was drinking Coffee with Milk and Sugar...He could lead me to the jumping off point + 5 more ft giving me sips of his milk & sugared coffee! He later went to straight Black. He also liked Hot tea the same way when it was cold! When I started drinking coffee...
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    Farm windmill

    Ryan, "Wind Engine" makes an Aermotor 702 Clone! I have one I got 15 yrs or so ago, Mine is a 8ft Mill, it is Identical to a Aermotor 702 with a few refinements internally and a better Hub! this back in the time when Aermotor was being made in Brazil! Up till 18 months ago mine had not been...
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    What's to do in Texas

    jm. I am So Glad both were memorable, and that you had a great time Here! Come Back Real Soon! Your note made me Smile , Thank You! Later, John A. * * If they Ever don't Treat you Right... There! We got lots of different kinds, of country Here, There is surely someplace here that would suit...
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    What's to do in Texas

    Ben, Many, Many, Many points of interest have been mentioned by the others! Each and Every one Will be worth your time. Here in Texas You can't swing a dead cat and not touch something going on somewhere! Do not leave your Smart phone, Laptop computer at home! Wherever you lite Google that area...
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    What they want cattle to be here

    Boys Here in Texas we have had train loads of Experience handling wild cattle ! 1st.. Get these ol Darlins corralled, in a squeeze-chute! De-horn these old girls as close to the skull as possible! they will get more gentile for their heads will be so sore they will not want to bump it it any...

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