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  1. R

    Mf 35 Hydraulic Pump I totally understand what you are saying about the serial number. But I’m also reading the thin cover is 7/8 thick in the front and the thick cover is 1 1/8” thick. My health has been bad and I haven’t been able to do anything to the tractor. But I did make it out to measure that...
  2. R

    Mf 35 Hydraulic Pump

    I have a copy of the MF manual. Your information helps a lot. I got this tractor off the man who bought it new. He said the lift got slow over time but still worked so he didn’t mess with it. He is an honest man. I’m going to check the pressure relief valve to be sure but based on your info and...
  3. R

    Mf 35 Hydraulic Pump

    Jimme, Being new I wasn’t aware of all you said. While reading I found where other people had posted that way so that is what I done. I have checked the stem on the tractor and orings are good on it. Yes I have a service manual. After reading there I see the pressure relief valve could be the...
  4. R

    T0-20 hydraulics - won't stay down

    First it doesn’t have down pressure. When you push the lever forward the lift goes down and just floats. You can adjust depth with the draft control. By it dropping when you push the lever I’m wondering if maybe there isn’t a problem there. You can pull the side cover on the right under the seat...
  5. R

    Mf 35 Hydraulic Pump

    I have a MF 35 SNM: 214597. It is a custom deluxe. Diesel and power steering. Can anyone tell me from the serial number if I have a 2000 psi or 2500 psi hydraulic pump? The lift raises slow on my tractor. Picks weight up fine, but does it slow. Changed the fluid and there was not a filter. Old...
  6. R

    TO 35 lift raises slow

    I have a to 35 SNM 214597. My lift raises slow. No problem picking up the mower I have on it just slow. I changed the fluid with the old looking ok. Magnets didn’t have anything on them to speak of. I refilled it with the correct 80-90 mineral oil as required. Didn’t change anything, still slow...
  7. R

    MF 35 Lift Problem

    It’s been in the 60’ to 70’s when I have tried it
  8. R

    MF 35 Lift Problem

    Where is the inlet screen located? I would love to figure out how to make my lift raise faster
  9. R

    MF 35 Lift Problem

    Thank you for replying and your answer. Any ideas why the lift is slow raising? No problem lifting weight such as a mower but just slow doing it. It also holds the weight up with no leaking off.
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    MF 35 Lift Problem

    I have a MF 35 SNM-214597. I just recently acquired it. It was a one owner tractor that has been extremely well taken care of. Diesel engine and power steering. Very clean straight machine. The problem I am having is the 3 point hitch raises slow. It raises under a load with no problem it’s just...
  11. R

    175 Massey Ferguson help with Serial number

    I recently acquired a 175 Massey. The serial number is SDW644001139. I have looked online trying to figure out what year it is. But I can't find anything matching this number. I would like to know the year and if it is American made. Can anyone help me?

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