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  1. J


    You have a very sweet story. I pray that the Lord bless and protect you.
  2. J

    Drill Press chuck

    So which chuck did you get, and are you satisfied with its runout?
  3. J


    From distant old memory, so take it with a proverbial dose of salt: The human eye can resolve roughly 1 inch at 100 yards under good conditions, with resolving ability decreasing as conditions worsen. If a tine is 1/2 inch diameter, it should be visible to the naked eye at 50 yards. Seeing...
  4. J

    Fun project

    Don't forget to check how well the two pieces fit together before tightening the bolts. If there are gaps between the surfaces, or the column rocks, you don't want to ignore the problem lest you strain the joint when tightening the bolts . . . at the very least, fill the gap with shim. It...
  5. J

    sealing a cracked block

    It's generally a good idea to stop-drill the ends of cast iron cracks.
  6. J

    Marvel mystery oil

    A bit of trivia: The Marvel of Mystery Oil was the same person as the Marvel of Marvel-Scheblet carburetors.
  7. J

    Drill chucks

    Buzz Saw's friend is right, Jacobs brand chucks have gone downhill . . . really far downhill. Albrecht chucks are very good, but the ones I've used were all made in Germany. I've also liked the French-made LFA chucks and a Spanish chuck that I've forgotten the name of. I've known a...
  8. J

    580 case wheel bolt repair

    HeliCoil-type wound-wire inserts considered one-time-use hardware? Nonsense! Ok, the so-called locking wound-wire inserts are considered effective for five screw installations, but they loose their running torque, not their loadbearing capacity. That said, and even though I'm not familiar...
  9. J

    Repairing Farmall H case - chunk missing

    I'll encourage you to take some time to read through the Technical Support section of Lock-N-Stitch's website: The foremost (in my opinion) industrial specialists in cast iron repair are Lock- N-Stitch here in California, and Reynolds- French in Oklahoma. Both have...
  10. J

    What is it?

    They look like gas [pipe] pliers that were common in the days of gas lighting.
  11. J


    It's worth noting that there are several different alloys of Babbitt, and their mechanical properties differ. It's important when Babbitting to choose an alloy appropriate for the end use.
  12. J

    Why do you keep all this junk

    Another term worth remembering: Availability Engineering
  13. J

    Never-Seize vs Anti Seez

    For assemblies that operate at high temperatures, such as exhaust components and spark plugs, magnesium hydroxide solution is an effective anti-seize. Brush it onto the threads, and assemble wet. Magnesium hydroxide should be readily available at drug stores, which sell it as Milk of Magnesia...
  14. J

    How do you break a ratchet wrench?

    Back in the early 1970s I happened to meet, and have a long conversation with, the manager of the Armstrong Brothers Tool Company warehouse. During the course of that conversation, he mentioned that the most common mode of ratchet failure was insufficient engagement of the pawl with the ratchet...
  15. J


    Back in the mid to late 1970s, John Deere sold wrenches and socket sets that were badge engineered versions of Triangle Tool Company's Bonney. Some time after that, John Deere changed suppliers and I don't remember who they switched to. The Bonney flat wrenches of that era were easy to...
  16. J

    Hone grit

    It's worth noting that there are three types of commercial hones, 1) the rigid hone, which usually has two stones and two guide shoes that expand / contract radially without enabling taper, 2) the glaze-breaker hone with three stones and no shoes that will follows a taper, and the ball hone that...
  17. J


    There is a Rule of Thumb that 1) the bearing race that is stationary relative to the load should be a slip-fit on its seat, while 2) the bearing race that rotates relative to the load should be press-fitted on its seat. An example of this practice? Sure! Consider a standard...
  18. J

    concrete anchors

    Internally-threaded concrete anchors are my choice. A number of different reputable makers sell drop in internally-threaded expansion anchors up to 3/4 inch thread size. Wej-It sells adhesive anchors up to 1 inch thread size. As has been mentioned, scrubbing the inside of the drilled hole to...
  19. J

    PVC pipe repair update

    Thank you for following up.
  20. J

    Did I miss something???

    I have often found that the self-appointed tool-snob types who think that only tool-truck or European brand tools are worthy of their skills almost always have a stash of cheap tools that they grind down -- almost always overheating those lesser tools, destroying their heat treatment -- when the...

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