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  1. R

    Dealer for Don

    The calendar is 1932! I remember my dad talking about Leadon Motors! I have added a better photo.
  2. R

    Dealer for Don

    Here is an old dealer ! Leadon Motors Taylor, ND
  3. R

    6V coil.

  4. R

    What to expect regarding propane summer fill pricing?

    1.94 in Western North Dakota. Just filled today.
  5. R

    Door Mats

    What is this conversation about? I thought it was about mats. But maybe I am wrong!!
  6. R

    Door Mats

    I got mine at Ace Hardware.
  7. R

    Case dealer list

    Don, Do you have Petes Auto & Implement in Dickinson ND? I used to have a metal dealer tag for them but lost track of it! Dennis
  8. R

    Grappler attachment for 1988 Hough H65C ?

    I have a Youngs log grapple that I bought a few years ago and never used it. I bought it to use cleaning up tree rows in my fields. It is a heavy duty unit! Let me know if you have any interest.
  9. R

    Saved another 1041 SC

    Ken, Did you find the parts you needed for your 41 sc project?
  10. R

    Reversed WD45 tractor question

    Yes we did a few back in the day. Not all tractors could have that done though!!
  11. R

    Reversed WD45 tractor question

    By putting the ring gear on the other side of the pinion.;
  12. R

    Saved another 1041 SC

    Ken I sent you an email about the parts you need if interested.
  13. R

    92 Plimouth Colt Vista

    If you are doing this with no load as not in gear it is called a rev limiter. Just my guess!
  14. R

    a couple more oddities...

    The smaller one looks lite a adjustable blow gun. One end snaps into a quick coupler on an air line and the knurled end turns in and out to adjust the air flow. I have one on my bench abd use it quite frequently. Just my guess though!
  15. R

    Hub cap

    Threaded on
  16. R

    JD 9560 walker combine

    Check your ignition switch. Thats where we finally ended up and fixed the problem! Just my thoughts
  17. R

    What Year and Model is this Tractor?

    I think it is a w so that would make the manufacturing date of the casting 1951.
  18. R

    What Year and Model is this Tractor?

    Farmall super C probably 52 or 53. Cant read the casting code on the platform.

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