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  1. K

    706 Stalling

    Ok, so I took the return off just for shits and giggles to blow some air through the tank, I can definitely hear the air getting to the tank, but once hooked up, she dies again. Loosened cover like you said, and runs better, but still wants to stall out. I guess I'll remove the injector pump and...
  2. K

    706 Stalling

    Thank you. But just a question. If I just try to clean the return and have it run just to get it close to the shop to play with the pump, can I just remove the return line at the pump and blow air into it? No bleeding lines necessary? Just need to get it moved from field to shop for now until I...
  3. K

    706 Stalling

    Ill attach a pic...what bolts do I loosen? Sorry....New to diesels.
  4. K

    706 Stalling

    No water trap to speak of. Assuming the return line is plugged, would that cause some ba k pressure?
  5. K

    706 Stalling

    Ok, so I don't hear fuel running back to the tank like usual, so after some reading, I'm going to start looking at a plugged return line. Being new to diesels, what should my process be? Remove line off pump and blow air towards the tank to see if it's plugged? Or?
  6. K

    706 Stalling

    706 diesel started and ran fine this morning pushing snow. Then died on me twice. After letting it sit for a few mins, it went up and running again for 10 mins or so. Now when I try to start it, It fires for 20 seconds or so then quits. I let it sit for 10 mins, fires for 20 seconds and quits...
  7. K

    IH 706 fuel filters

    I have an early ser # 706 (#1276). Filters on right side of engine. Does anyone have the exact process to replace filters? I have a manual for the 706, but it seems to have a different setup of filters. My guess - shut off fuel flow, take out filters, replace filters, top up housings with fuel...
  8. K

    IH 706 fuel filters

    I have an early ser # 706 (#1276). Filters on right side of engine. Does anyone have the exact process to replace filters? I have a manual for the 706, but it seems to have a different setup of filters. My guess - shut off fuel flow, take out filters, replace filters, top up housings with fuel...

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