100 farmall mixing oil and water


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I have a 100 farmall that’s mixing oil and water if you let it run until it gets to temp it’ll start pushing oil water mixture out of oil filler cap head gasket is good any way to tell if it’s a cracked block or if the wet sleeve o ring is the culprit tractor had rings and pistons replaced few years ago and did sit outside but motor was covered up while outside isn’t possible o rings dry rotted during the time it sat with no coolant or oil
I have a 100 farmall that’s mixing oil and water if you let it run until it gets to temp it’ll start pushing oil water mixture out of oil filler cap head gasket is good any way to tell if it’s a cracked block or if the wet sleeve o ring is the culprit tractor had rings and pistons replaced few years ago and did sit outside but motor was covered up while outside isn’t possible o rings dry rotted during the time it sat with no coolant or oil
Welcome to the YT forum. 1st, do not operate the tractor. Coolant in oil does not lubricate. It may already be damaged beyond the repairs made earlier. Pulling the oil pan off the bottom will let you see where the leak is. If coming from the cam side drain holes it could be the head that is cracked. Why do you say the Head gasket is good? in this case all options should be considered. Oring leaks are easily spotted with good light looking up ! Jim
A teardown is neccessary to determine cause and damage. Pull head first,then pan.May also need to pull rod/main caps for inspection.
Hello Ben, welcome to YT! I would agree with Jim. Pulling the pan 1st so you have a chance of determining what the location of the leak is and the possible source.
see if your local auto parts store has a tool rental and rent a coolant system pressure tester, or buy one at harbor freight, about 90 dollars. drop the oil pan and pressurize the radiator to 6 psi or so and then watch for leaks.
Welcome to the YT forum. 1st, do not operate the tractor. Coolant in oil does not lubricate. It may already be damaged beyond the repairs made earlier. Pulling the oil pan off the bottom will let you see where the leak is. If coming from the cam side drain holes it could be the head that is cracked. Why do you say the Head gasket is good? in this case all options should be considered. Oring leaks are easily spotted with good light looking up ! Jim
I put a head gasket on still mixing so I carried it to mechanic and he also put a new head gasket on still mixing he said he was to old to mess with tearing the engine apart to find the cause
Drain all oil and coolant. Pull the oil pan. Place a clean piece of cardboard on the floor under the engine. Fill the coolant. Watch for water drops on the cardboard. Look up into the engine cavity where the water drops are coming from. There's your leak.

I would imagine it is running a stream of water if it is filling the crankcase to overflowing, so the leak should be easy to find.
I have a 100 farmall that’s mixing oil and water if you let it run until it gets to temp it’ll start pushing oil water mixture out of oil filler cap head gasket is good any way to tell if it’s a cracked block or if the wet sleeve o ring is the culprit tractor had rings and pistons replaced few years ago and did sit outside but motor was covered up while outside isn’t possible o rings dry rotted during the time it sat with no coolant or oil
You definitely do not want to continue running that coolant is very abusive to your main and your rod bearings. From what I gather from your post when you did the head gasket you didn't take the head to be serviced or anything checked for from what I gather from your post when you did the head gasket you didn't take the head to be magnaflux and trued up. Before you put the gasket on did you at least clean up all of the oxygenation and mineral deposits that have built up on the head by where the water jacket meets? If you didn't clean that back up before you put it on a lot of times that's enough to cause a new head gasket to not be able to seal properly. It's always a good idea when you replace a head gasket to take it to a shop and spend the $90 or so to have it put in the hot tank magnafluxed and trued up. If the shop discovers during magnafluxs that the head has cracks and you have to replace the head and saves you money from going any further with that particular head. Judging by how much you say is coming in I would more suspect that there's a o-ring that is given out or there is a crack along the bottom of the block along where the o-ring sits. No matter what like everybody else is telling you got to pull it back apart and see where it's coming from.

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