100 high clear water pump

grandpa Love

Well-known Member
Always something! 🤣. Filled the radiator up and it doesn't leak,but while running the water pump leaks out from behind the pulley. You can also make it leak by pulling in the fan belt to turn the motor. New pump $110 plus shipping. Rebuild kit $35 plus shipping. Easy rebuild? Kit contains a shaft , bearing seals and gaskets.....thoughts?


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More than likely the impeller will need machined to work with the kit. You're better off buying the pump. You also need to consider your time tearing it down and building it back is worth something.
It’s much easier to install a rebuilt pump than to start pressing brgs out and in and risk breaking something. It’s not worth the hassel for a beginner.
Always something! 🤣. Filled the radiator up and it doesn't leak,but while running the water pump leaks out from behind the pulley. You can also make it leak by pulling in the fan belt to turn the motor. New pump $110 plus shipping. Rebuild kit $35 plus shipping. Easy rebuild? Kit contains a shaft , bearing seals and gaskets.....thoughts?
From the parts department here at YT:


And shipping is $15 for everything in your cart.....................
It’s much easier to install a rebuilt pump than to start pressing brgs out and in and risk breaking something. It’s not worth the hassel for a beginner.
I refuse to take the bait...... never mind,I will bite, who's the "beginner"?? 😯.
I refuse to take the bait...... never mind,I will bite, who's the "beginner"?? 😯.
i guess if you would have done the job before you would have not asked for thoughts. and if a person has never done a job before aren't they a beginner , or green at the job ? i also remember when u first joined here and were a beginner on cubs. sooo ... buy the kit then and dont be a beginner . lol.
Always something! 🤣. Filled the radiator up and it doesn't leak,but while running the water pump leaks out from behind the pulley. You can also make it leak by pulling in the fan belt to turn the motor. New pump $110 plus shipping. Rebuild kit $35 plus shipping. Easy rebuild? Kit contains a shaft , bearing seals and gaskets.....thoughts?
My vote is to get another new pump. I tried to rebuild the one on our 100 with no luck. The impeller can grow to the shaft and on disassembly, the impeller can break. At that point a feller is already into new pump $ territory.

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