1105 making lumber


Well-known Member
just thought you would like to see what the massey is doing this winter :D
That saw dust must make great soil. What do you do
with all the lumber once it's milled, i don't see it
stacked any where?
Great work!
Has your Massey been sitting there idle all summer 'cause weeds are growing though the dual? LOL
Yep. The tractor has to go up about a foot. That PTO is too low for what you are doing. I'm sure you can find some extra dirt or a couple old planks somewhere close by......
PTO should be OK at that height , Round balers are every bit as
high if not even higher and they have to turn sharp corners.
Keeping both angles equal is more important!
Ps maybe Lyle could find some snow to pile under the 1105,we
have none here,...thankfully.
Sounds like jealously to me Lyle,go ahead and raise the height a little. I like the old style saw marks in the lumber, got some heart pine here in the kitchen with all the drawers cut from the same board with the saw marks.

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