1105 pto clutch


Well-known Member
just waiting for to teflon seals to get here before I can put the back half of the tractor together
I have 1105 PTO horror story for you that I ran into years ago. Had a PTO bad in a 1105, repaired clutch pack and put on dyno to check out. Was not pleased when clutch started to slip at 80 HP. Put on pressure gauge to check clutch, was OK until dyno load was applied, then pressure started to drop causing clutch to slip. Removed charging pump and plate assembly, found clutch drum had too much clearence, was drifting back allowing rear seal ring to come out of bore just enough to drop clutch pressure. I should have checked before I took apart, tractor had never been set up with enough shims on rear shaft which controls drum endplay since new. Same clutch holds 1150, 1155 at over 200 HP with turbo with no trouble. Make sure all shims are on shaft, bolt on rear PTO housing with 2 bolts and check clearence per repair manual, add if needed. Don't want you to have trouble like I did.

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