1105 ya talked me into it pics


Well-known Member
draged the dead horse in this am, might take a month to thaw :wink:
After looking at the first two pics I was gonna ask "where's the tractor"?
But the third pic makes it look like there might actually be one there. Looks like fun. Is Uncle Tony coming to help piece it together?
(quoted from post at 23:37:25 12/04/11) After looking at the first two pics I was gonna ask "where's the tractor"?
But the third pic makes it look like there might actually be one there. Looks like fun. Is Uncle Tony coming to help piece it together?
e said he might come and help, but first he wants me to find out if black label is sold up here :roll:
I'm pretty sure it used to be years ago........I've never looked for it. I'm sure he could smuggle a case or two.
Lyle is just too cheap to drive down to Edmonton and buy some. Atleast 4 places on the Whitemud and Calgary trail have it- and at great prices! I thought the 165 was big... this is massive eh? I will help tho. I'll keep the wood stove stoked and sweep the melt back outside. I forgot about the defrosting time needed up there. You are closer to Fawcett's than me. Go buy hime a drive shaft. He will pay you if there's any money left after buying my black labels...
This rig is already field stripped, looks like a riding mower on steriods, and he has all the toys for a job this big, and knowledgable friends around...that's priceless!
Christmas eve... I bet Lyle will have this running again late afternoon, 24 December.... That will be his wife's Christmas present!!!!
OH PLEASE! It is the ..only? beer brewed in Ontario? Don't have to smuggle nothin'.... oh, doesn't Lyle live on a Blackfoot reservation??... so I suppose the tribal police won't like if I bring too much. Especially with his social history... that's what happened to the tractor here. He got drunk and was running from the rcmp in it. It's about the only way I know of to break a Massey Ferguson.... I am waiting for close ups of the busted part/parts. So that shaft is an Achilles heal in this model???
Thanks for the christmas present ideas, maybe I'll redo the 50's tranny leak, surely she will like that!!

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