1130 bad hydraulics


New User
About a year ago, my 1130 started intermittently missing hydraulic power. I replaced the main filter in the front and it seemed to fix the problem. A month or so ago, it started happening again; but, soon escalated so that their is no hydraulic power (can't lift the loader or 3 point). I can pull and push the bypass button below the seat and get hydraulics for a few seconds; but, that is it.

Is there another filter that I am missing or should I be looking for something else. I don't have an owners manual as I bought it used and don't see any other filters in the schematics I found on Agcopartsbooks.com.
Did you clean the screen in the bottom on the rear end? There is a metal screen in the bottom of the sump that will fill with metal shavings.
No. I didn't know where to look. It appears that behind the motor on the bottom of the tractor their are three possible places. Right behind the cross member is an aluminum cover followed by a steel cover (partially hidden with the pull bar attachment) then followed by what looks like a drain plug on the pto housing.

In which of these would the screen be found. I hate to pull all three. Also, what volume of fluid would I need to replace and/or should I replace all the fluid? I'm sure it depends on what I find.
Inlet screen is toward front of rear differential housing, screen plate also has a drain plug. System holds about 25 gallons but complete change will be about 17 gallons per MF service book if you drain all 3 plugs, screen plug plus trans and pto plugs. Screen plate is cast iron, not aluminum, hope this helps. If you want, call after 7 PM 574 893 4172, still have several 1100 series with my dad and brother on the farm, also worked at Deaton Equip years ago.

I think I know which one it is and will pick up a gasket and oil in the next couple days. As I work days, it will probably be this weekend before I open it. If I get into trouble, I may call.

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