1135 Fueling vs Transmission Question


I've been looking for a plow tractor for a few years now. I want an older tractor with no electronics.

I'm using a 2705, which works good, but I wish I could go a little faster.

I'm looking at an 1135 and wondering how much I could turn it up without taking out the transmission. I really like the 354's and know that they are turned up to 140 plus hp in some combine models. Has anybody turned up an 1135 much?

I would, of course, install a pyro and boost gauge and run her very carefully. Maybe even rig up a charge cooler if necessary.

An 1155 had the same transmission. I don't think
you'll notice any extra problems from what you can
safely get out of the engine. Why not turn up the

My father pulled a 20 foot field cultivator with
an 1100 for years. Never had any trans problems.
Lucky if the engine lasted 2 years though. M&W
turbo, advanced timing, and cranked to the end!

Some of the early 1130 had a weak bull gear set up but the transmissions were fine. Around here a stock 1130 would pull a 8X16 plow faster than you should go(if you have it weighted right)
Why not turn up the 2705?

Because I am definitely afraid of tearing up that transmission. I want to keep running it just like it is. The new plow tractor will not be a replacement. I will be running two tractors with 6 x 16 plows.


P.S.: Am also looking at 1370's and 1570's with the 504.

I would consider a Massey 3545 4x4. With the turbocharged , intercooled 354 it can easily make 140 hp. A far superior drive train than a 2705. I pulled an 880 6x18 w/ onland hitch with power to spare.
We really like our semi-mount plows. Would the 4x4 work OK with a semi-mount, other than not turning as tight?

I talked to a dyed in the wool Massey buddy of mine today about this.. They have a fleet of 1155's and a 1135, as well as a few others.

150ish should not propose a issue he says.. He says the transmissions in a 1135 and 1155 are "about the same", but ratioed differently.. Giving it the power should not hurt.. He has a 1155 that runs down the track running 400+ hp, but the track and the field are 2 different animals, we all know that.

He says the hardest thing will be getting enough out of the injector pump.. Theirs is set at 145, says he couldn't get much more from it..

By the way, they work their stuff pretty good, and in the 15ish years I known him, aside usual stuff, I can't say they've had any problems with it.


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