1135 Hydraulics


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I have a 1974 massey 1135, it only has 2 hydraulics on it and i would like to add one for grapple fork on loader. currently I am using an open center 2 spool block plugged into one of the hydraulics to split it to 2. What would be the easiest way to do that, is there a way to plump in an open center block into it or do I need to get a closed center block and tee off the incoming to the original hydraulics ?

The easiest thing is to use a closed center valve.
There is a pressure line that runs up near the right
side of the rock shaft. You can put in a T, and
find a return to the sump. You can then run your
pressure to as many valves as you want. The one I
did I used Gresen electric operated valve so I only
had to run wires up into the cab for switches. Its
been a while and I no longer have the tractor, so I
don't quite remember where I hooked every thing up.

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