12v conversion with electronic ignition wiring diagram


New User
Yes I have a 48 ford 8n with front mount distributor. I recently did the 12v conversion and also up graded to electronic ignition. My issue is how to properly wire this thing. I yet to find any diagram that shows wiring for the 12v conversion and plus with the electronic ignition. If there is anyone here that can possibly help and or send me a diagram showing the 12v conversion along with electronic ignition would be a lifesaver. Thanks
Google is your friend.
Research JMOR wiring diagrams
He has taken the time to draw them all out for you.
Yes I have a 48 ford 8n with front mount distributor. I recently did the 12v conversion and also up graded to electronic ignition. My issue is how to properly wire this thing. I yet to find any diagram that shows wiring for the 12v conversion and plus with the electronic ignition. If there is anyone here that can possibly help and or send me a diagram showing the 12v conversion along with electronic ignition would be a lifesaver. Thanks

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