135 Diesel - lot of smoke

Parked my 135 diesel about Sept and it was running fine.
Yesterday it started fine and idled good. When I tried to give some fuel it would not open up and was blowing a lot of black smoke.
There was no more blow-by from the dipstick than normal(very little) and I pulled the air filter out and it looked OK.

I drove it around about a minute but it would barely rev up, smoked like a freight train and had no more power than if it was at an idle. It never had a sound or vibration like it was missing.

Any ideas?

Thanks, Greg
If you haven't got any livestock on board check the rubber hose on the inlet manifold. It may be collapsing due to becoming soft and perished.

DavidP, South Wales
air intake system, sounds like something is causing a bad restriction ,had some thing freak happen with a neighbors little jd it wouldn't rev up without rattling and smoking black like it was smothered ,it was also making a slight hissing sound,upon removing the muffler we found it had collapsed restricting the exhaust flow, only one iv'e ever seen do that
I took the intake rubber hose off. Everything looks clear. Light coating of soot in the intake. I believe it looks like it should.

It did the same thing with the hose completely off- black smoke, would not rev but idled like it should.

I am thinking the exhaust may be partially stopped up. Some smoke comes through the muffler. When I first started it Sunday(after it had been sitting several months) it blew out some weld or patch or rusty pieces just below the flange for the exhaust. The exhaust has been repaired there. I can not take credit for the patch - it was like that when I bought it a couple years ago-but it does look like a mess I would have done.

So my next step it to try to remove the exhaust without breaking the manifold any more than it already is.

Does that sound like the thing to do?

I appreciate y'alls help, Greg

You all were right on track.

I pulled the exhaust and muffler off. It had a little less than a quart of corn kernels and rat poison (that looked like green, dry dog food) that I had put out over the winter.

There are some things about rodent psychology and even physics that I am a little confused about right now. On the other hand there are several things that I don't understand all I know about it.

The good thing was that I got the exhaust off pretty easy, had some replacement bolts, and was able to beat out the stash. It would have been a $0.00 out of pocket fix if my wife could remember where I hung up an extra exhaust gasket that I bought years ago.(Lately, she is getting so she cannot remember where I put stuff. Years must be catching up with her.)

I appreciate y,all help, Greg

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