135 transmission leak.


I've been working on my 135, that has a transmission leak into the bellhousing. I have found no obvious culprits to the leak, so... I am replacing all the seals and bushings in the area. I saw some sealing rings on the input shaft. Could they possibly had caused it to leak and should I go ahead and replace them?
The seal rings only seal the presurized oil going to the clutch pack.If the rings are not broken or excessively worn, they should be OK The transmission input shaft seals keeps the oil in the transmission. There is a gasket on the input shaft housing, and you could have a leak on the multi-power control valve or lines.
If the main input shaft has any groove that you can catch a knife blade, your fingernail on, etc, it is shot, I just replaced mine, have to take apart the whole transmission to pull it out the back, shaft was $210 plus steel sealing rings and rubbers seals.
(quoted from post at 19:40:15 04/28/10) If the main input shaft has any groove that you can catch a knife blade, your fingernail on, etc, it is shot, I just replaced mine, have to take apart the whole transmission to pull it out the back, shaft was $210 plus steel sealing rings and rubbers seals.
here on the shaft was yours worn?

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