1550 jumps out of third


Well-known Member
Newbury, Ohio
Ripping up sod with a field cultivator yesterday. Running in third, high speed transmission. It jumped out of gear a few times usually when I crossed an old dead furrow. Never did that before but I seldom use third and have really never worked it that hard. Only hay mowing and baling in 4th and 1st and some light loader work. What should I look for? I replaced the shifter rod on the reverse side a few years back but this in on the other side.
I would think that if it jumps out of 3rd that it would jump out of 1st also . Probably easiest would be to change the shifting fork first. I suppose 3rd could be worn enough to let it jump out.
I would think that if it jumps out of 3rd that it would jump out of 1st also . Probably easiest would be to change the shifting fork first. I suppose 3rd could be worn enough to let it jump out.
I added some weight to the cultivator so it would penetrate more and ran it for a while today. Didn't jump out at all.

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