1601D oil capacity

Hate that the old Hoye forums were deleted. I am user agirlandhertractor from there.

Is there a central resource for oil capacities (engine/transmission) for the gray market tractors somewhere?

Or even a full list of gray to US model equivilents? s

Thanks much from a long term user!
Hate that the old Hoye forums were deleted. I am user agirlandhertractor from there.

Is there a central resource for oil capacities (engine/transmission) for the gray market tractors somewhere?

Or even a full list of gray to US model equivilents? s

Thanks much from a long term user!
BTW, this should be listed in the manual too. Did you ever download it for free off the YTOG yet?
I have the Japanese parts manual and while I'm learning Japanese and can read a lot of the katakana, it's slow going for me! There are specs at the front but if they use kanji for the word capacity I'm tanked. I didn't see anything with "number L" that would also be a giveaway.

I think mine holds just under 4 quarts with new filter. Not sure what the official capacity is.
I should try to log in with my old domain email, guess that's what I used at ymowners.

I found one of my old threads but the images weren't displaying right
I have the Japanese parts manual and while I'm learning Japanese and can read a lot of the katakana, it's slow going for me! There are specs at the front but if they use kanji for the word capacity I'm tanked. I didn't see anything with "number L" that would also be a giveaway.

I think mine holds just under 4 quarts with new filter. Not sure what the official capacity is.
on mine if you pull out the oil dipstick out there might be some numbers imprinted on it usually in liters or something so you can convert to quarts-- if its the correct dipstick and hasnt been swapped etc over the years 🥴
I have the Japanese parts manual and while I'm learning Japanese and can read a lot of the katakana, it's slow going for me! There are specs at the front but if they use kanji for the word capacity I'm tanked. I didn't see anything with "number L" that would also be a giveaway.

I think mine holds just under 4 quarts with new filter. Not sure what the official capacity is.
I read all the Japanese parts manuals all the time in ENGLISH. Just take an image snip, past it in Yandex OCR as Japanese <=> English, and then read. (y)

You can do the same with Google Translate image-to-text, but it takes 2 more steps.
example, what does the chicken scratch say here?



and at times, you can garnish a little bit more info this way,

What did we learn here,

670Kg as 2WD total tractor weight. 710kg as 4wd.

Front tires take 48% of the weighted load and the rear tires about 52%.

Output PS. PS is a unit of Hp measurement for diesel engines. 16Hp @ 2,500 engine rpms.

Now, if I took a snip as a close up of the Japanese letters, sometimes they will translate even better.

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