1650 and Ford 101 plow


Hello. So my question is this, we want to pull a Ford 101 3 bottom plow with our 1650. The 1650 is a Cat 3 3 point and the plow is set up as a Cat 1. Is it as simple as removing the blocks on the 3 point so we can swing the arms in closer or is it not that simple.

I think your 1650 has a category II hitch. The sway blocks do unbolt which should get you to a Cat I dimension. We have done it to our 1855 when needed.
Thank you Mike, I could not remember. I know we did that on our 1750 back in the day but I cannot remember why.

Thanks sir
My 1550 has two positions for the sway blocks. Yours is probably the same. there are tapped holes on two sides of the blocks. I keep mine Cat I, the flat side of the blocks turned outward.

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