1650 Oliver Transmission/Clutch Issue


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I am need of advice/knowledge from anyone that has experienced this issue! I was sitting on my Oliver 1650 after feeding hay and had just back away from bale ring and had tractor in reverse, I clutched the Oliver and was sitting there idling looking over the cattle when all of a sudden the tractor took off in reverse with clutch still depressed! I can shut tractor off, switch gears and then do a rolling start, but no changing gears and no clutch! Any advice would be appreciated!
Same thing happened to me. Loading round bales, backed up and held clutch in while waiting for driver to pull ahead and all of a sudden took off in reverse. After looking for the obvios and adjusting clutch control rod to no avail I pulled it apart and found broken piece as shown. Here is a picture of broken pc on clutch. Something similiar probably happened to one of your clutch levers?


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That’s what I was afraid of, the clutch was about to go out when I bought it and I had it replaced about 5 years ago! thanks

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