1655 with out Hydra Power/ over under


Well-known Member
I'm setting here sick and my mind gets all kinds of crazy ideas. I saw a nice looking 1655 gas on a auction with factory no Hydra Power of Over Under, just a straight 6 speed. How big of a job would it be to put a Hydra Power or Over Under in it? Would the bell housing work or would I need a different one? The shaft coming out of the transmission should work for either set up, right? Just thinking it might sell cheap without the HP or OU and what it would cost to add one onto it. Any thoughts??
There should be no issue adding either a HP or an OU. The bigger issue will be finding a good one for a 1655, especially if you want the OU.
I would look for an Oliver 1650 with the high speed gear set. They sell cheaper than the 1655 and you would already have a Hi-Lo to help out getting started on tractor rides.

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