17-30 Minneapolis Type B Question re: serial number


New User
I have a 17-30 Minneapolis Type B that I acquired a few years ago. It is serial #4596. At present it is not running. It is complete except it is missing the mag. I'm hoping to get it running. I would really like to know what year this tractor is. I understand there is no serial number list.

This tractor has the straight front axle as opposed to some of them that have the wavy front axle. Does anyone know the significance of the different front axles?

Thanks for any feedback.

The 1730 preceded the Twin City series and was Mfg at the same time as the Twin City. 1929-1936.30 Belt HP, it was called a 2 plow tractor and was a heavy machine at 6800 Lbs.The 1730 B also was a heavy tractor at the same about weight. Both were distributed by rail around the country. Pictures are hard to come by. Most are I suspect stored away in family picture albums of those days long gone.
Check this out.
No there are not serial # list availible but if it is a 17-30B and not an A it is going to be a 1926. My 17-30B is #5634 and it is a 1926. 1926 was the first year for the 17-30B. As far as I know there was only one front axel availible. If I remember correctly the mag should be a American Bosch DU4.
Here is a pic of my 17-30B if it works. Mine runs good. My great grandpa had a 17-30B and I have pictures of it running a threshing machine.

Thank you both for the replies.

bjz - nice tractor you"ve got. If you don"t mind,
I have a couple of questions as mine is missing
the radiator cap, air intake stack, and mag. What
make and model is your mag? It"s my understanding
this engine runs counter-clockwise.

Is the air intake stack made from old style gutter
downspout pipe? What size is it? I can make the
intake stack myself with this information.

I could probably fabricate a radiator cap if I
could see a picture of it.

I don"t readily have a picture of my 17-30B, but
I"ve seen some other ones on these sites that have
the straight front axle. I believe the difference
is the straight axle is a little wider than the
curved/dipped front axle.

Thanks again.
I will get pics of the mag tomorrow and find out for sure what model it is but yes the mag needs to be counter clock wise.

The air pipe is a peice of stove pipe that can be found at hardware stores. I think mine is original. I will see what size it is tomorrow also.
Sorry for taking so long I have been very busy. But the mag is a american bosch ZR4. The air cleaner pipe is a 3 inch stove pipe that is oval shaped on the bottom. If you are looking for alot of help with this project the best site to post on is www.smokstak.com there are alot of knowledgible guuys on there that work on the old steel wheel tractors. Most of the people on this forum work on newer MM tractors.
Thank you for your help and for the info, I'll try checking on the Smoke Stak Forum site.

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